Chapter 10: Do I even need a title anymore

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A loud knock came from outside her door. She stood up and walked over, cracking it open. Ty stood there, giving her a gloomy smile.

Kia raised a brow, turning on the lights. "Sup?" She greeted, kicking a piece of crumpled paper that stood next to her foot. 

Ty sighed and scratched the back of his neck, looking down. "Can I come in..?" He asked, leaning over to the edge of the door.

"Uh, sure?" Kia replied, walking back to her desk and sitting down. Ty sluggishly dragged his feet to her bed, slumping down on it.

"Adam got captured by a squid." He stated, making Kia quickly stand up. "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU SAVE HIM THEN?!" She shook his shoulders and glared.

Ty grabbed her wrists and stopped, glaring back. "I COULDN'T, OKAY?!" He yelled, his voice echoing inside the room.

Kia hissed and shoved away his hands. "Why would she..?" She mumbled, clutching the edge of the door. "Stay here, I'll be back." She said, quickly running down to the basement. 


Kia creaked open the door to the basement, looking around the dark place. She let the light from outside shine in and took a small step, a loud squeak sounding.

She grasped the wall, moving her hand around to feel it. She found a small lever, flipping it open. The lights flickered on, lighting up the room brightly.

She stepped down the wooden staircase, each step sounding a loud creak. Her eyes made it's way to a bright and multicolored light, following it all the way inside a dark room.

She looked for another switch, flipping it open and lighting up the room. She heard a loud groan, looking over to the direction of the noise.

Kia saw a hooded figure, the cloak lined with purple being dragged on the floor. The figure's head looked over to her, revealing a brown haired boy wearing a shiny silver crown.

Kia chuckled and walked over, patting his back. "You look worse than me, what were you doing in here?" He groaned again and slapped away her hand, looking back at the brewing stand he was working with.

Her smile faded, shoving her hands into her pockets. She took out a black piece of metal, shaped quite oddly. Seto glanced for a moment, before continuing to quickly look back at the stand.

He blinked for a moment, but finally looked up and stared at the thing she held. "You're gonna..?" He asked, looking at her.

She nodded, throwing the piece onto the ground. A large and blue translucent screen popped up from the black thing, the piece splitting.

Seto faced away from the table and stared at the screen, so did Kia. Static appeared on the screen, quite for a while.

A face popped up on the screen, having the same features as Kia's. She stared for a while, but gave a wide grin. "Well, hello there~" She spoke, getting a glare from the other girl.

The lightly blue figure chuckled, staring at the two. "What made you two call me again after so long, hm?" She asked, still giving a lopsided smirk.

Seto looked at the pale girl next to her, getting a small glance in return. Kia took a few steps closer to the screen, her glare getting colder. "Look here, if you do something to Adam, I swear I will-"

"Oh, well too bad then." The other chuckled, quickly stopping Kia. The two looked at her, gaining another loud chuckle from her, which turned into a laugh.

"Oh my, you didn't notice yet? I'm surprised!" She grinned even wider, moving the view to face her back. Muffled coughs were now more clearly heard, gaining the two's attention.

A figure was on the ground coughing, but barely seen through the darkness. A small purple hue was brightening up the figures face, but only a dark shade of red was seen.

Seto took a few steps to the screen, pushing his hand through it as he stared wide eyed. "Adam..." He muttered, trying to grasp at the figure.

Kia growled loudly and took the black and metal piece, almost crushing it in her hands. Seto stopped and looked sadly at Kia, stopping.

She looked at him and frowned, her glare softening. "I'll...we'll get him back. I promise." She looked down back at the black metal, placing it on a nearby desk.

Seto stared and slowly nodded, gloomily walking back to the desk. Kia started to walk back to her room, but kept her head down on the way.

Kia walked back to her room, only to see Ty spinning around her chair. "Um, I'm back." Kia spoke, making Ty shriek and fall to the cold floor.

Ty groaned and stood up, dusting himself off. "Did you eat yet?" He questioned, walking over to the doorway. Kia sat down on the bed and shook her head, dusting off some redstone that was sprinkled on her bed.

"Well, you better go eat something, we're gonna have a meeting. We're gonna save Adam no matter what happens." He replied, making Kia look in surprise.

"Wait, what?"






i have no art to put augh sorry

just have a panel of a small comic i did

Link here:

get the full version of it in my dA

it's in my profile desc. if you want to go check it out :y

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