Chapter 48: War

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I slowly looked down, gloomily frowning at the response. A warm hand quickly held my arm, making me turn over to look.

Mitch was holding my hand, softly smiling. I faintly cracked a smile, yet quickly being pulled down to a frown.

"Where's that stupid smile?" He chuckled, proceeding to stand up. I stood up as well, but I continued to look gloomy as I did.

Mitch's small smile faded, looking away awkwardly. "Um, look, can I tell you something?" He quickly blurted out, gently rubbing the back of his neck as he stared up at the bright blue sky.

I curiously turned my head to him, "Sure." I replied. He took a deep sigh, stopping and moving his head towards my direction.

"You're..." He drifted off, coughing awkwardly quickly after. He cleared his throat, looking up and giving a big grin.

"You're like a sister to me."

I stared for a short while, flustering at the statement. He looked and laughed, flustering slightly as well. "What's wrong?" He said, shoveling his hands into his pockets with a grin.

I looked down, feeling my lips quiver as I lifted my hand up to my face. I started to cry, trying to hold back the loud sobs.

I was quickly held, facing a confused and worried Mitch. "Are you okay?!" He panicked, grasping tightly at my arms. I started to chuckle a bit, yet still letting tears fall.

"I-I just..." I choked out, crying even harder. "I..." I could barely speak, choking back on my tears. "She's happy. She has always wanted a sibling, Mitch." Notch spoke, standing close to us two.

As ridiculous as it sounds, it was true. I've always angrily glared at people's relatives in pure jealousy, just because my loneliness stuck itself in me. 

"And Kia..." Notch continued, placing his large hand on my back. "I could be your father. I-If you'd like, of course." He said, stuttering a bit.

I cried even harder, giving loud hiccups as my laugh sounded along with it.


.: Ty's POV :.

"That is all recruits. Now go prepare yourselves!" I exclaimed, watching the recruits leave the large hall in a hurry. I went down from the podium and walked back to the base, proceeding to my room.

I took out a gleaming diamond sword out of the chest next to my bed, taking a bunch of other stuff as well. Adventure supplies, that kind of stuff.

I stuffed it all in my inventory, quickly leaving to move to the meeting room. I creaked the door open, seeing the group sitting comfortably on their chairs.

A few chairs were empty, but I could care less about that now. I sat down at the front, in the middle of Jason's and Jerome's chairs. They looked at me and gave a nod, looking back at the recruits.

"Tomorrow's the day guys. We storm their base, no stopping. It sounds stupid, but what else do we have?" I started, moving my glance to everyone in the room.

They all kept quiet, looking off at different directions. "That's right. All we need to do now is gather materials and wait, got it?" I responded, continuing.

They all nodded, eventually leaving the room to their own.


.: Narration :.

The two made their way back to the house, Kia walking slower than Mitch. After a bit of distance, she stopped in her tracks and walked back over to Notch.

"Hey, um," She sputtered, awkwardly staring at the bearded man. He gave a hearty chuckle, grinning widely at her. "Yes?" He asked, smiling.

She started to stare coldly, a gloomy atmosphere starting to rise. "Whether the war is won or lost...take them back." She flatly replied, her voice starting to crack away.

Notch's smile faded, staring back coldly as well. "Ah...right. The portal. Very well, but I need it up and running, alright kiddo?" He replied, gently patting the top of her head.

She quietly nodded, turning away from him and starting to walk away. "Hold on, before you, a few questions if I may." He exclaimed, taking a few steps behind her.

She quickly halted, turning her head over a bit as she gave a hum. "Why didn't you tell them about the portal?" He asked, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.

She stayed silent, gently pushing away his hand. "You know very well why. I don't want them frantic about it." She responded, quickly continuing to walk.

Notch frowned slightly, pulling back his hand. He took a quick glance down, feeling a small breeze pass. 

"Years of hard work on that to bring them back, and yet you never wanted to tell anyone because they'll worry about it?

Would they have ever worried about it when you found them a chance to go home?

You could've told them sooner and they wouldn't, now would they?"


Mitch unlocked the large house's door open, flicking on a switch and entering. He quickly jumped on the couch and rested, giving a loud sigh.

He laid on his back, starting to fiddle with the golden dog tag that was hung around his neck. He raised it in his view, cracking a small smile as he stared at the shiny piece of gold.

"I'll keep this forever, Jerome."


"Really Jerome? I can have this?" Mitch exclaimed, grasping tightly onto the small necklace that held a golden dog tag. Jerome smiled widely and nodded, wrapping an arm around the hooded boy.

"That's right biggums! An old guy gave it too me." Jerome said, poking at the necklace. "Um, isn't that kinda Sketchy?" Mitch replied, curiously looking at the necklace.

"Naah, it's fine. I traded him my shampoo because he was bald. But don't tell him it wasn't a hair grower." Jerome winked at the boy, gaining a loud chuckle.

"Thanks dood."


Notch quickly perked up from his vanity, taking a quick glance around. "What was that?" He mumbled, grumpily stroking his beard.

He shrugged it off, taking out a dusty bottle from his cabinet.

"Come on shampoo, it's been 7 years. I know that kid's hair isn't natural, I know it."


Mitch stood and quickly walked up to his room, flipping the switch for the room. He walked over to a desk and held a picture, a picture of the whole team.

"I'm coming home."



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