Chapter 11: [Insert Cool Ass Title Here]

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"You mean, uh, right now?" She asked, quickly standing up and walking over to him. "Yep. Actually, go get a bag of sandwiches or something, it's gonna be a long one." He replied, walking to the hall and proceeding to enter the meeting room.

She cursed under her breath, taking a glance out her window. Jerome was out the gate talking to a few guards, pointing off to somewhere while he spoke. The guards nodded, following the direction he pointed.

Jerome started to walk back to the base, entrance the lower floor. Kia sighed and went to the kitchen, picking up anything she can find in the kitchen. 

She walked to the meeting room, seeing a group of people huddled together. 

Ty, Jerome, Jason, Seto, Martin, Jordan, Taylor, and a bunch of others that the narrator lost track of.

But one stood out, his face staring at the table. He had black fluffy hair, styled the same way Ty's hair was. He wore a red jacket with half black sleeves (how do I explain this lmao), wearing a white shirt underneath.

But what stood out way more was the necklace he wore. A small blue crystal was placed inside a small cage-like triangular shaped gold. A small wing shaped key hung below the crystal, connected to it. (not sure if this is right forgive me bb)

He looked up at the doorway and beamed, repeatedly glancing to the seat next to him that separated himself from the others. Kia looked and smiled, walking over to the seat and sitting down.

The boy squeezed her as she placed down the food, patting him on the head. "Alright you two, how 'bout we actually head down to the meeting and NOT cuddle?" Ty exclaimed, making him let go of the girl quickly, flustering.

Ty sighed and stood, taking a glance at everyone in the room. "We all know what's happening, but we're not sure why." He stated, Kia looking at Seto with nervousness, Seto bringing back the same stare.

"But in all seriousness, we're going to fix whatever the hell is going on. Resourcers, we need you." He continued, pointing to a group of people sat on the left. "We need some Dm, Cs, Lv, Ov, Cr, and a shit ton more. I'll explain the rest later, for now, get those things." (use the unofficial MC Periodical table by egeres for that lmao)

The group nodded, quickly standing and running out the door with their large bags dangling off their shoulder. "And Offense team, practice as much as you can." Ty cleared his throat, pointing to the right side.

They nodded as well, following the previous group, bows and swords gripping on each individual of the group. Ty looked at the rest, which consisted of Jerome, Seto, Jason, Kia, and the boy, who will now be named Bloodie because some of you already expected this.

"Now, the rest of you, will be helping me look for Mitch, wherever he is." He said, looking at Jerome with a concerned face. Jerome looked down on the table, slowly dragging his finger on it. Kia stood, munching on a piece of steak she held in her mouth.

"YOU LIAR!" She yelled, everyone looking at her with confusion. Ty looked at her and scratching his head. "Uh, what?"

"You said this was gonna be a long meeting! Fuck you man." She glared, putting away the food she put on the table. Everyone sighed and rested on their chairs, thinking she was serious.

She quickly picked up Bloodie, walking out the door. He squeaked, quickly clutching her clothes. She walked out, still munching on the steak. Everyone stood and followed her, Ty being the last to leave.


it's sloppy and short augh i'm terrible sorry

hope you can bear with me on this one though


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