Chapter 6: No title again lmao

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The caretaker looked at him strangely, nodding right after. "Well, if you say so." She replied, a small smile placed on her lips.

After a few minutes of paperwork, the man decided to take his leave. "Mister, um, Herobrine!" The caretaker called out, placing a hand on his shoulder. He hummed, turning around.

"Please be gentle with her. She gets hurt easily, very vulnerable to hash words too." She declared, her smile fading quickly. He nodded, walking out the door without a single word.

He went inside the forest, the surroundings quiet and serene. He continued to walk, eventually reaching the edge of the forest. A cold atmosphere suddenly surrounded the two, along with the smell of wet grass.

"Rain, just great." He murmured, carrying the girl. A strange light emitted from his finger, pressing the finger on the child. She peeped, looking up at the sky as rain start to fall.

Her figure stayed dry, while the man's were soaked. He looked down at the, smiling mildly. He put her down and clasped his hands together strongly.

The clap was so loud, it echoed around the forest. He began muttering incomprehensible words. The girl held onto the man's leg, shivering.

A silvery light appeared in front of the man, making the girl jump and hide behind him. The light continued to get huge, stopping when at least a group of people can go through.

The hole stopped emitting light, revealing a breathtaking view of a meadow. He picked up the girl once again and stepped inside the fantasy-like world, taking in the air of the fresh breeze.

The girl shrank in his arms, giving a tight, yet warm embrace. He patted her head, pulling back her head gently. "Don't be afraid. Look, it's beautiful." He said softly, giving a kind smile.

She looked up with fearful eyes, slowly turning around to look. She stopped cowering and gasped in astonishment, staring at the magnificent view.

The field was spread with flowers, the luscious grass dancing along with the wind. The man cracked a smile, holding her close to his chest. With the snap of a finger, they were teleported into a void of code.

Time slowed down, and the gravity disappeared from their feet. (I'm actually gonna use his name this time because this is getting boring.)

Herobrine slowly floated over to a bright light across his view, leaving a trail of 0's and 1's. He pushed out his arm inside the light, a white glow enveloping the two figures.

The void disappeared, reappearing in a dark red and rugged hall. Hero put her down, lightly squeezing her small tender hands. They walked up 2, 3, or 5? I guess, 5 staircases, leading to a large set of doors in the middle of the hall. (Remember it's still spoken by her, not by a narrator.)

It was large, bronze, and beautiful. He pushed them open, quietly leading little Kia. He sat her on the large king-sized bed, walking over to a closet not too far away.

He took a few clothes, dusting them off. He turned around, walking over to her. "Are you tired?" He asked, stroking the small bangs the fell on her face. She yawned and smiled, drowsily laying down on the large bed, drifting off to sleep.

He looked and smiled, putting her in the middle of the bed. He covered her with the large white blanket, proceeding to walk out the door.

Hero took a small glimpse, closing the door on the way out. He proceeded down the stairs, walking into another large set of doors.

Surprisingly enough, it was astonishingly huge. Dispensers were here and there, furnaces as well. A long table was set in the middle of the room, seated with chairs.

An Enderman appeared in front of him, bowing his head lightly. "Welcome back, sir." It grumbled under its breath. Hero glanced up at him, walking over to one of the dispensers. "Call some pigmen and guard my bedroom. No breaks." He said in a straight tone.

"I need my heir to be safe."


no art wither sorry


a really sloppy chapter sorry

i'm tired lmao

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