Chapter 43: Evenings and Mornings

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We took out some wooden swords and started to fight, taking turns on who to fight each other. We continued on until the day ended, taking a rest back in out rooms.

I sat down on my soft bed, putting back the wooden sword inside the chest that sat beside my desk. I took a glance at the picture frame, seeing a group picture of the whole team.

I took it and looked at it carefully, turning my gaze to every member.  I grinned at the center, staring at Sky who stood next to me and Jason.

His figure shined brightly, his lips curved up as he showed his teeth. I put it back on the desk and sighed, plopping my back on the bed.

I stared at the unlit ceiling, the lamp beside me being the only source of light. I crawled my legs over to the bed and rested my head on the pillow.

I pulled the sheets halfway up to me, turning off the lamp.

"I won't let you down."


.: Mitch's POV :.

I woke up for the something-th time this month, yawning at the light started to enter through the window. I stood and walked out of my room, making my way to the bathroom.

I knocked and waited for a response, hearing a click from the door. Kia peeked out, gripping tightly on the edge of the door.

"Oh, hey." She spoke, staring. "Hi, can I, um, shower?" I replied, grinning sheepishly as I tried to peek in. "Hold your horses boy, I'm not done changing." She glared, quickly shutting the door.

"Why didn't you just change in your room?" I asked, leaning on the wall next to the door. "Do you REALLY want to see that?" She groaned, still keeping the door shut.

"Maybe..?" I chuckled, looking over at the door. "You may be dead but I won't hesitate to try and kill you." She exclaimed, grumpily opening the door.

I looked and smiled, quickly entering the bathroom and shutting the door. I took the towel that hung not too far from the doorway, hanging it near the shower but far enough to not get wet.

I took a short shower, drying myself off with the towel. I wrapped the towel on my lower torso, proceeding to get out of the bathroom.

I walked to my room and changed, finishing by drying off my hair. I walked out and made my way to the kitchen, greeting Kia with a smile.

"Whatcha' making?" I asked, patting her back. "I dunno, whatcha' want?" She replied, quietly tapping her fingers on the furnace next to her.

"Bacon and eggs would be nice." I responded, smiling more. She nodded and walked over to a chest not too far from the furnace. 

I sat back on the chair next to the kitchen table, messing up my hair.

It's morning over there somewhere too, right?


this chapter sucked so much aaaaaahhh


and 7 more before my birthday hoorah haha


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