Chapter 15: i'm tired of these titles

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Ty looked at Jerome in concern, a frown formed on his lips. "I'll go now. Feel free to keep on coming here as long as you like, okay bro?" He stated, patting him and walking back out.

Jerome smiled slightly and nodded, grasping Mitch's hand once again. "I would never leave."

-In the basement wooo-

Seto sat down at the small chair in the middle of the room, watching an irritated Kia pace around the room. She gripped on the piece that was used to call the doppelganger, tightly squeezing it, almost crushing it.

"Calm down for a bit. I'm sure she didn't do anything to him. Not much that is." He said, his eyes following the frustrated girl.

"I fucking can't! If someone else gets involved in this again, I won't be able to keep the damn promise of protecting all of you." She bellowed, stopping and glaring at the 17 year old boy. (why not it would be cool to make him 17)

"Speaking of the promise, why did you make it? What happened in the past?" Seto asked, flinching when Kia quickly looked and softened her cold gaze.

"You know, asking those kinds of questions won't gain you many friends in the future." She said, putting back the piece back in her pocket. "I know..." Seto muttered, "...but I'm just really curious, sorry."

Kia sighed and sat down next to him, taking out an odd shaped golden dog-tag necklace, stroking it with her thumb. "Fine. But this'll take a while I tell ya."

Seto nodded, resting his head on the back of the chair. "It's fine, just go on." 

(this is gonna another long one hold on to your shit 'cause we goin fo a ride)

"It all started years ago. I was maybe 7 or 8 at the time, I don't know. I didn't remember anything from that point backwards.

All I remember is that I woke up in a broken down hospital room, all alone with my arm in seething pain. I took a look at it and, well, it's pretty obvious that shit ain't pretty." She started, raising the half of her left sleeve, revealing a stitched black spot on her arm, dry blood stained on it.

"Anyway, there's that thing there, and me being in pain in all, bleh. I only knew my name and my age, but nothing else. Life was being shit on me from there.

I was terrified. The room was a mess. The windows were shattered, the door was broken in half, and the wall was covered in multi-colored substance. 

Even though I was pretty much shitting my pants, I knew I had to get outta there. And, of course, I did.

I roamed the street, avoid the creatures I came upon. Zombies, skeletons, you get it. The place I roamed in, was pretty much the core of Minecraftia, the world we live in today.

I didn't see a single normal human, making me even more scared. Where ever I walked, lead to unstoppable danger. But I had a chance.

I eventually found a portal, a huge-ass portal to be exact. I jumped inside, I didn't even think for a second, I just walked in like it was nothing, and thank God I did.

I saw a man wearing a blood stained lab coat, looking around. He glanced everywhere, not even stopping for a moment.

His eyes eventually landed to the little girl that was apparently me, gasping at what he saw. He quickly walked over to me and poked at my injury, shifting his glances every now and then.

He took me to a place, I assumed it was his lab, but it was too small for it to be one. He pulled me inside, pleading me to do whatever shit with him.

I eventually agreed (because he scared the shit outta me), making me regret that decision to this day. He cloned me and merged me with a squid, saying that they were "interesting creatures".

And to him, so was I, for some damn bloody reason. After he finished with that, he eventually abandoned me and left with the clone, going to who knows where.

I was left alone, away from the portal I came from. I was lonely and afraid, thinking that the mobs from earlier would kill me.

I eventually got hungry as hell, punching a tree for some apples. And it worked, surprisingly. I got some wood, you know, that stuff.

I fucked around with the things I could collect, eventually getting used to the rule of crafting. I crafted so much shit I had to throw away the stuff that was worn out.

Years of being stuck in the hell we call our home. I ventured far and wide throughout the place, finding out the portal consumed the world I used to be in and slowly turning everything Minecraft-like.

The buildings were turned to cold ruins, being explored by the mobs that wandered into it.

And there was that one time.

I got cornered by a horde of zombies, having no equipment to use, since I used all of it from another horde that just happened, I think.

Anyway, the group huddled to me all at once, proceeding to attack. But then, they flung over to the sides, one by one.

And wow holy shit, there's this 7 year old kid, looking like he was merged with an Ender Dragon. And no, it's not Ty, surprisingly, it was Bloodie.

He wore a sweater, and a necklace that had a silver ring attached to it around his neck. Holy shit he was mad.

He attacked every mob and sight, leaving me actually fucking terrified. He looked at me and calmed down a bit, looking at me straight in the eye with a poker face.

"Are you okay?"


i coulda went with 1000 words but the i was just "nah"

anyway i hope you enjoyed this long ass chapter

that i was actually too lazy to do but i did it anyway

another cover from projectshiiro

the nerd denied but still go look at her shit because she can't tell me what to do

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