Chapter 13: hNNRG

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They all walked off, going to the ocean just straight ahead. The sounds of their bags shuffled, metal touching blocks with a clank.

They ventured further, passing different biomes, eventually arriving at the ocean. Ty looked up at the sky, covering his eyes with his hand.

"Alright everyone, we have plenty of time to look for him. He's definitely here somewhere." He said, taking a quick glance at the water in front of him. "And if there's a chance, we might find Adam."

Everyone nodded, scattering to their own directions. They all walked around aimlessly, yelling Mitch every now and then.

A few hours passed, finding nothing. They went back to the spot, finding Ty waiting patiently. He looked at them, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"Find anything?" He asked, looking at the group in front of him. They all frowned and shook their heads, looking down.

Kia looked around with a confused face, slight concern in her eyes. "Hey guys, where's Jerome?" She asked, taking another look. They all looked around, sudden shock filling their faces. "He's not here."

They quickly ran in different directions, yelling his name out loudly. Kia ran far from the center, looking at every inch she can find.

"Jer-" She stopped, staring at the view she saw. She was staring at her left, seeing Jerome buried in Mitch's chest, weeping quite loudly.

Kia walked over and knelt down, stroking the bacca's hair gently. Jerome slowly looked up, his eyes bloodshot and stained with tears. Kia frowned, continuing. "Let's get him home."

He whimpered and slowly nodded, letting go of the boy. Kia picked him up and walked back, Jerome sluggishly following. They both went back to the spot, finding the group looking around.

They all looked in their direction horrified by what they saw. Mitch was drenched in sea water, barely breathing. He coughed out some water every now and then, but not for a long period of time.

"Teleport us home Seto." Kia stated, not minding her wet clothes. Seto nodded and mumbled some words, a purple light engulfing the group. They disappeared, leaving small light particles behind.

They were transported back to the base, being greeted by some recruits. "Take Mitch to the infirmary and patch him up as well as you can." Kia demanded, giving Mitch to one of the recruits. They nodded, quickly running inside the base.

Jerome was still crying tightly grasping Jason's arm. "It's alright buddy, go follow them." Jason said quietly, making Jerome beam slightly, quickly running inside the building.

Jerome growled under his breath, arriving at the room. He stood at the doorway, gripping it's edge. He glared coldly at nothing, his blood boiling.

"I swear to Notch, they will pay for what they've done."



i told you i'd kill someone

though in time

he'll fully die soon :^)

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