Chapter 9: JUST DO IT

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Herobrine walked off and left the hospital, a gloomy aura surrounding him. Yet, after that moment, a sharp scream was heard. 

Then a grumble, a poof, and a rattle of bones. Hero quickly ran to the portal, surprised at what he saw. The once gaping hole was now the size of a massive truck, mobs and creatures walking out from it.

"I left it open..." He mumbled to himself, clutching his hands. "Kia...Kia..!" He whispered, running back to the hospital. He threw open the doors and looked inside, quickly going to her room.

"Sir, what are you doing here? We thought you left." The man from earlier said, holding his shoulder. Hero looked and glared furiously, the man flinching at his anger.

"Leave us alone, I have no business with mortals like you." He growled, shoving away the man's hand. The man scowled and held his arm, trying to pull him outside the room.

"Now, sir, I don't want to do this but-" The man stopped, being interrupted by a loud crash, along with the sound of broken glass.

A loud hiss sounded, followed by a loud explosion. The man who held him yelped and ran out, leaving a sleeping Kia and a confused Herobrine all alone.

Hero looked and picked her up, running back outside. "If I can't control these freaks, I have to make do with what I have." He stated, mumbling the words to himself. He's cuckoo, now we know.

He sprinted his way to the old orphanage, holding Kia close. He quickly went inside and shut the doors, quickly making his way to the counter.

No one stood there, unlike the last time he got there. He put Kia down and looked around, only to find it was abandoned. Everything suddenly got eerily quiet for a moment, Kia's heartbeat the only sound to be heard.

He took a glance outside and looked around, the mobs wondering to every inch of ground they can fit through. Hero sighed picked up Kia once again, quickly opening the door.

He sprinted through the horde creatures, quickly jumping inside the portal. He took a glance back.

"No turning back now."

Okay, you know what, I'm not even gonna try and explain this whole thing to you anymore, you might get bored anyway.

He took her away bleh he took her to some place and left her alone forever blah.

The end. Happy?" She finished, finally PUTTING AN END TO THOSE DREADFUL CHAPTERS EGH.

She took a glance at Adam, who was sound asleep. She groaned and walked back up to the hall, leaving him alone.


Jerome strolled on the garden outside the base, pacing around. He stared at the ground, his fluffy hands shoved inside his pockets.

"Mitch..." He mumbled, "Where are you..?"

He continued to walk around, crunching the grass below his feet. Then after a while, he heard faint snoring.

He looked up from the ground, glancing around to see who it was. He slowly walked over to the gate the snoring getting even louder.

Right as he looked to his left, a girl that looked like she was in her 20's, sat there, snoring loudly.

She had long black hair, two large curls on the side of her head. A daisy hung from the left side of her ear, dancing along with the breeze of the wind.

She wore a light blue dress shirt, the sleeves folded up halfway her arms. She held an iron sword in one hand, which was stabbed to the ground.

She had dark blue jeans, and a pair of red sneakers.

Her chest raised and fell, he head drooping down. Her body was laid against the large stone wall, shifting every now and then.

Jerome sighed, walking over and kneeling down. He repeatedly poked her cheek, saying "Wake up" again and again.

She quickly jumped up, yelping. She pulled out the sword and quickly aimed at Jerome, who was staring at the sword's tip that poked his nose. She was unusually tall as well.

"PUT THAT DOWN IT'S JUST ME." He exclaimed,  slowly moving back. She looked and sighed, glaring with tired eyes. "What're you doing out here this early in the morning?"

"Kia, it's noon." He replied, taking away the sword. She took out a clock and looked at it, surprised. "Oh, it is. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be getting back to work." She stated, walking inside the gate.

"Hey wait! You're not gonna eat or sleep in your room or something? Do you need rest? You look tired." He said, making her look back with a glare.

"I LOOK AWESOME." She claimed (GUESS THAT REFERENCE), walking faster. Jerome sighed, putting away the sword, proceeding to follow her.

She went up to her room, locking the door shut.

She walked over to her desk, which was mixed with redstone dust and a bunch of other contraptions. There were papers and pens everywhere, along with iron bars. She glared at the desk and slammed her fists to it, looking back at the window.

"I'll get them out, I swear. Just you wait, you filthy bastard."


this chapter sucks sorry

i've been reading too much feels now my writing's pretty sloppy

sorry 'bout that folks 

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