Chapter 21

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Okay, enough about Steve. No one cares about him anyway. We'll get back, which means, we'll be meeting her.

I met her a few years after I met Steve. It was a cold afternoon. I received a tap on my shoulder when I was just relaxing at the park.

I turned to see who it was, only to find a face that I never dared to look at for years. My own.

She had a cheery grin, a sweet, yet innocent looking one. "Hi!" She spoke, her voice identical to mine. I quickly backed away, afraid of what I saw. Like I said, I erased everything in the past.

I was confused, mostly terrified. I didn't utter a word, or at least try to.

My lips quivered, only to receive a confused look from her. "Don't you remember me, big sister?" She said. Those words echoed in my head, a simple utter of words being blurted out.

"Are you my clone?"

She squealed and nodded, hugging me tightly. "Oh, and look sister!" She stated, pointing at the blue lily that hung on her head. "I got something pretty like yours too!"

I was triggered. Just by a simple flower. Everything came back. The argument, the injuries, you know. It hurt, it hurt so much.

I pushed her away, a sharp glare spread across my face. "Get away from me." I demanded, standing up. She looked at me confused and afraid, cowering down on the grass.

"What's wrong, d-did I do something?" She stammered, making people look. They mumbled, shooting cold daggers at me.

I hissed and ran off, eventually finding myself huddled down in an empty street. The skies turned gray, and rain started to pouring down.

I stared across the street, not a sign of a living creature to be found. Yet, at the right moment, I locked eyes with a boy for a second. He looked like 12, soaked in the rain with a grumpy face.

"Groceries in the rain? Thanks Adam, YOU'RE A GREAT FRIEND." He mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets.

His light brown hair was soaked, along with his white hoodie lined with black. He looked at me for a moment, but eventually continuing to walk.

I quickly stood and took off my jacket, quickly running after him. I squeezed most of the water on it, quickly covering the boy with my jacket.

He flinched and stopped, looking up at my tall figure with an angered face. "Hey! what do you you're do-" He stopped mid-sentence, looking at my glaring face.

"Don't be an idiot, kid. I f you knew it would be gloomy then you shoulda' brought an umbrella with you." I spat, making him flinch with a fluster. "I, uh, y-yes ma'am."

I smiled a bit and walked back, the smile fading. "I hate everything."


"SHE TERRIFIED ME." I said, sitting down on the large couch in front of Adam. I hung a dry towel over my head, stroking it gently to my brown hair.

He paced around the room, looking down on the floor while his fist was placed under his chin. "So, how old was she?" He asked, staring at me in the eye.

I grunted and pushed his face away, crossing my arms. "She looks like she's 16, I think." I said, looking at the blue jacket placed on my lap.

"She's one year older than me...that IS terrifying." He said, taking the jacket. He took a glance at it, taking a peek of what he can see(??).

"It's really big too. How tall was she?" He asked, trying to put it on, but failing as the sleeves went over his hands.

"Really, REALLY TALL. Way taller than you is what I say." I replied, holding in a small chuckle. He glared at me and flailed his arms at me, the sleeves hitting my face. "WHAT THE NETHER IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN TY, HUH?!"

I laughed and covered my face, making him chuckle. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

But she was really weird though.

Like something was going on inside that head.




tell me something else i didn't do in a long time lel

anyway this is sorta sad

if you consider it sad lmao

also sorry for all those other shitty chapters

my flow is back though

so hopefully the next one is more earlier than usual 

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