Chapter 49: Fears

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.: Jerome's POV :.

The whole army stood behind me as we faced the ocean, swords, bows and axes in hand. I clutched the bright blue sword in my hand, watching the sun slowly rise in the horizon.

I looked to my right, smiling softly at the two who stood. Ayame (recruit :y) and Ty stared off at the sea, an angered atmosphere lifting up in the air.

I looked at my left, facing Jason who looked back at me. He grinned lightly, quickly facing back into the ocean.

"Okay everyone, throw your potions below you and let 'em crash." Seto called out from behind me, doing the order. Everyone else did the same, throwing the glowing potions on the sandy beach.

The potions effects started to puff out smoke, surrounding the whole army. We took careful steps toward the ocean, the loud thumping of our boots sounding in sync.

Slowly, we sank deep in the clear waters, following a marked path.


Mitch and Kia stood at their old practice grounds, staring at Notch who stood before them. He pulled up a screen, the same one from when the three first met.

After a few strokes of his finger on the screen, a faint glow started to appear on the two in front of him.

The golden halos and bright yellow wings faded, leaving the two standing dumbfounded at the scene. They took a quick spin around, feeling the weight from their backs disappear.

A small grin curled on their lips, a thankful look gazed at the bearded man. He gave a smile, but it quickly faded.

"I'll transport you to the beach, but by the time you get there, the war has already begun." Notch stated, receiving a nod from the two.

Notch made another few strokes, another glow appearing on the two. It slowly engulfed the two, their figures slowly fading away into pixels bit by bit.

Kia stared worriedly at Notch, her view slowly fading to a pure white. The two arrived back in the dimension filled with code, only darkness and code floating around the two.

A white opening started to glow in the distance, gaining the two's attention. They made their way over two it, entering it.

They teleported at the front of the ocean, the light disappearing around them. The two took a quick glance around, letting the cold breeze flow through their hair.

They started to stare at each other, reaching out their hands. They quickly grasped each other's hands, a large smile carved upon their faces.

"Sis...we're real!" Mitch called out, hugging the tall girl. Kia flustered a bit, awkwardly smiling at him. He looked at up, continuing to grin ear to ear.

"What's wrong? Still not used to the nickname?" He pointed out, chuckling loudly. "Bah, shut up you nerd." She grumbled, playfully punching at the boy.

After a few exchanges of smiles and chuckles, they both stared back at the ocean. Kia started to clutch her stomach, gloomily staring down at the sand.

Mitch frowned at her, but gave a comforting smile as he started to rub circles on her back. She forced a smile, but continued to clutch her stomach tightly.

"Sorry, I'm just...just scared...after all these years of running away from that monster, I'm finally gonna face her. And if I fail I'll...I'll..." She drifted off, quickly placing a hand over her mouth.

Mitch continued to rub circles, worriedly trying to comfort her. "It's alright, I'm here. Lose or win, everyone's gonna be there to support each other, okay?"

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