Chapter 41: Times Change

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He stared at me in confusion, keeping silent. After a moment of staring, he spoke. "W-What story?" He asked, still softly crying. That's what it looked like, I'm not sure.

"You didn't hear?" I questioned scratching the back of my head. "Well, I didn't see you, so I guess you were doing something else that Ty couldn't pull you away from?"

"I...I was sleeping..." He replied sheepishly, looking down at his huddled up knees. "Oh. Well, let me tell you then." I stated, explaining the whole story the way I heard it.

He stared me at the whole time, barely moving. It made me pretty uncomfortable, but I was able to speak normally.

"She lied to us?" He asked, quite flatly and loudly unlike the other times he spoke. I nodded, glancing away while a played around with my hands.

"I...I don't understand. She promised me she wouldn't...lie again." He continued. I felt his stare, like a bullet going through a clean chest.

"She promised it. She promised." He repeated, continuing to stare at me. I looked over, seeing his piercing gaze. The dark marks slowly ate away his face.

I awkwardly stood and coughed, turning over to the direction of my house. "Well, I'm going back home now bye I'll just walk away now bye-" I exclaimed, quickly starting to walk away. 

"But you looked like you weren't going to do anything." He said, quietly following me from behind. "I NEED TO WATER MY PLANTS." I yelled, heightening up my pace.

"You don't seem to have any, you're the type of person who looks like he would own a cactus." He continued. I was pretty much sprinting as fast as I could, trying my hardest to avoid him.

A small whisper sounded in my ear, making me freeze.

"Try again."


.: Ty's POV :.

I cried harder, bawling loudly. I cried harder and harder, forcefully trying to stop it. He pulled me into his chest, rubbing circles onto my back. (i'm trying hard not to ship it but)

"It's okay buddy, let it out. Times change. Cutting won't get you anywhere, okay? We'll always be here for you." He said, continuing. I continued to sob, hugging him as tightly as I can.

We heard footsteps get close, quickly turning out heads over to the door. Jerome and Husky stood by at the doorway, confused and sweaty.

"We heard crying and we- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FLOORS?!" Jerome exclaimed, staring at the floor, afraid. Husky instead stared at me and Jason, even more confused.

"What're you two doing?" He questioned, pointing at us awkwardly. I was still crying, but I quieted down and tried to hold in my uncontrollable sniffs.

"He's cutting again." Jason replied, still not stopping to rub my back. The two stared at me, giving a saddened gaze. "Ty..." Jerome said, quietly walking over to my figure.

"You promised us, didn't you? If Adam was here with us right now, well..." He continued, gently holding my newly cut wrists. "...he would be crying too."

I didn't hold back and started to cry again. "Don't look at me, I know I'm terrible, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, putting my face back on Jason.

"Ty, you are not." Quentin responded, walking over as well. He placed his hand on my head, gently stroking my brown locks. "You are not terrible and never will be. No matter what flaw, we'll accept you. You're not perfect, no one is, and that's okay."

They all squeezed me, giving a small smile. "We'll always be here, okay? Always." Jason stated, the other two nodding in response. 

I cried the HARDEST I have ever in my entire 18 years of being alive, taking large gasps of air. After a few moments of that, I calmed down.

"Okay, you guys can go ahead. I'll go clean up here." Jerome announced, pushing the three of us out the door. We all nodded, starting to make our way to the living room.

"So, Quentin, back already?" Jason asked, putting back on his orange and blue helmet. "Yeah. Then we were reported about the incident, we came back as soon as we could. The expedition took forever, God, Ian and Ryan was dying." 

Jason chuckled, carefully fixing his helmet. "Looks like you'll have a lot of time for rest now, huh?" Jason said, continuing. Husky nodded and chuckled, the three of us finally arriving to the wide living room.

The three of us sat down, slumping around in silence. The silence was broken by my small sniffs, making me blurt out 'sorry' every time it happens.

"Well, this is shit. There's nothing to talk about!" Quentin yelled, grumpily crossing his arms. Jason just layed down on the couch, spacing out.

I looked down and yawned, spacing out as well.


not a very clever ending is it haha

bloodie went completely ooc oh my god sorry

but i did think he might turn into that when he gets enderdragon-y i guess

and hey look a fish arrived

the whole team is here ahaaaaaaa

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