Chapter 3: I ran out of titles

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Ty eyes widened, but quickly reverted to a worried glare. "Don't say that man, it isn't." Adam looked up at him and frowned, fiddling with his fingers.

Adam frowned more, his legs shuffling. "Remember when you said 'That's what you always say'?"

Ty looked around and thought. "Yeah, I do."

"Doesn't that mean it's my fault? I remembered something when you said that." He mumbled the end, making Ty look at him in a beam of joy.

"REALLY?! YOU REMEMBER SOMETHING?! WHAT IS IT?!" He bellowed, Adam trembling at the sudden loud voice.

"U-Um, well, if I've always said that, doesn't that mean I did something to make me always say that?" He declared, his grin wide.

Adam cleared his throat. "I guess, you guys are so important to me and my memories, my head tried to remember why. Then, the guy with the checkered jacket told me about something that happened 3 years ago."

'The formation of the army and the base...' Ty thought, glancing at Sky with curiosity.

"Then, my head tried again. Something popped up. If that thing that happened 3 years ago was somehow connected to the squids' grudge on me, then I must've done something wrong." Adam continued.

'He's right. But the problem is...neither of us knows what the grudge is about.' Ty thought long and hard, trying to piece it all together.

"And...when you said you guys wanted to protect me, well, sudden guilty flooded inside me. Then, poof, there it was. I think it was my fault. It was my fault that I got you guys in a mess that you shouldn't have been in. At least, that's what my head thinks." He finished, lying down on the bed.

Ty looked and stared, realizing. "Adam."

Sky looked up at him and gave a hum.

"We CHOSE to protect you. Your head must be thinking that you forced us to protect for our own selfish purpose. But no, that's not it. We wanted to protect you." Ty declared, making Adam look.

"You protect me?"


I had an explosion of ideas.

So, yeah.


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