Chapter 42: It's Almost Time

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Jerome arrived in the room quickly after a few minutes, still leaving us with no topic to talk about. All of us remained silent, just staring at each other.

" you guys wanna check how the training is going or something?" Jerome spoke, trying to break the awkward silence between all of us.

We took glances at each other, nodding in response. We stood and made our way to the training hall, making small talk on the way.

"So, how's the weather?" Jerome asked, gaining a glare from Quentin. "It's been gloomy the whole day, don't expect me to say 'Holy fucking shit it's raining what a nice day'." (there were so many rhymes in there that i don't even think I'm the one who made that) Quentin responded, the rest of us giving a hearty laugh.

"Okay okay, sorry." Jerome replied, still giving a chuckle. "Yeah, oh and nice eyes by the way." Jason pointed out, turning his head over to the green-eyed bacca.

"Why, thank you, I've had them since I was a fetus." Jerome joked, receiving another laugh from me and the others. We continued to make jokes on the way, finally arriving a few moments after.

The hall was packed with recruits, making it hard for us to pass through every single one. We made our way to a far and spacious spot, taking a look around at every single recruit.

"We have never had this many people in the training hall before, it's like a convention." I said, turning my gaze to every recruit. "Well, we all know why anyway. So, pretty much it isn't that much a surprise." Jason replied, doing the same.

We sat around and watched them train for a while, not bothering to join in anytime soon. "As leaders, we shouldn't really just fuck around here watching them." Quentin complained, still staring at the training recruits.

"Well, we did tell them to train on their own. But don't sweat it, Minecraftians are natural born warrior, they'll be fine." I responded, stroking the sides of my headphones.

Husky just shrugged and continued to watch, casually picking at the loose strings that showed off on his suit. We continued on to watch, obviously bored.

Then, ding! An idea.

"Hey guys!" I yelled cheerfully, gaining the attention of the three. "Can't we just make our own private training? Could be fun." I grinned.

After a moment of silence, they smiled and nodded. We cheered and ran back to the base, quickly proceeding to go the empty backyard.

It's almost time.



well i suck i know lmao

it's so shoOOORT FOAIFOI

it's also sorta like a filler lmao

and listening to brostep/pewdiestep isn't helping i feel like crying oh my god


SEE YOU LATER assholes



(i might keep that yes)

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