Chapter 32

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They continued on for a few minutes, eventually leading to hours. Notch decided to give them rest, giving them time to banter.

(meanwhile here's a shitty example of what they're talking about)

"Fluffy things?"

"Fuck yeah fluffy things."

"Do you think they have fluffy things up here?"

"Fuck yeah this is heaven. Literally."



Then after the playful banter, they went off to look for fluffy things. They took a quick walk around, still stuck in the reflective realm.

"Wanna ask Baldie?" Kia pointed, looking at the God that stood facing the sun that didn't stand too far from them. Mitch nodded, the two walking over to the man.

"Hey Markus." Kia said, quickly taking a step back from the bearded man's glare. "Kindly not call me that, Notch is fine." He grumbled, a confused expression etched on the two's faces.

"I'm not even gonna ask. Hey, can we roam around the real world?" She asked, looking down at the reflective floor. "Fine, come back anytime you want, but don't go too far. The world is connected to the mapping of this one. That means if you go too far, you probably won't find me."

The two nodded, standing still. Notch stared at them for a moment, grunting out a 'what'. "How do we..?" Mitch muttered, smiling awkwardly at him. 

Notch sighed and pointed at the floor, glaring at them. "The floor's pretty much liquid, just pass through." He stated, quickly looking back at the position of the light.

"Alright!" Mitch exclaimed, pushing through the floor, quickly passing through with a broken shriek. Before Kia proceeded to do the same, she took a glance at Notch and stated,

"It seems lonely up here."


Mitch landed on the ground with a thud, groaning as he laid in the wet grass. Raindrops fell through his body, his body, translucent and light.

He slowly picked himself up, groaning at the pain that struck his back. "Even dead people get hurt too, huh?" He mumbled, stretching. He heard distant cries, looking over to the direction he had heard it from.

He faced the backs of a thousand crowds, crying and weeping. He stared confused, taking glances at the wings on his back. "Maybe I could..."

He gently flapped his wings, floating a bit off the ground. "Well then!" He exclaimed, quietly flying above the ground. He stared at what they faced, seeing something he'd see way too often when he had stayed up at heaven.

His face.

His body laid around a bed of different flowers, a smile etched on his face. Mitch slowly landed next to it, looking down sadly at a certain bacca.

Jerome cried as hard as he could, clutching the cold body's hand. Mitch knelt down and continued to stare at him, dripping silent tears.

"Sorry biggums, I couldn't stop it." He said, leaning at the small coffin his body had laid in. He looked up at the recruit who held the umbrella over Jerome's head.

"Ah, it's the girl that healed me back in the infirmary." He smiled slightly, looking at the girl who cried as well. (reference to 'recruit' from chapter 14)

"Yo." Kia spoke, kneeling down next to the boy. "Quite a feat you're giving there. You're making people cry, how cruel." She joked, gaining a small chuckle from the boy.

"Yep. Hey, do you know who the recruit is? Real strange to be up here, you know?" He asked, pointing at the girl who was soaked in the rain.

"Ah, yeah, Ayame Brine. She vaguely reminds me of a nice person I knew, but I can't really put my finger on it." She replied, staring at the girl.

"She better take care of Jerome then." He grinned halfheartedly at the bacca that kept on weeping. "Smiling? You truly are cruel." Kia joked once again, chuckling.

She stroked Mitch's hair and stood up, walking away from the scene, leaving a few words behind.

"Did you want to find that fluffy thing, or did you want it to stop crying?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- 

Kia stared at the large pile of ashes that was in front of her, keeping a straight face. "You guys didn't even bother cleaning up my mess? Really rude."

She looked over from the distant forest, seeing a large base that peeked from the trees. She quickly flew there, landing by the gates. She took another look around, seeing wilted flowers being drenched in the rain.

"Lazy bastards can't even keep a simple thing alive." She sighed, passing through the gates with ease, doing the same with the large doors at the front of the building.

She stared at Ty who leaned his head on the wall, his hands clutching the sides of his headphones. He mumbled and mumbled, seeming to no end.

"It's annoying, it's so annoying." He stated, his hands shivering coldly. Kia sighed, walking away from him. "You're so fucking annoying Kia."

Kia stopped in her tracks, taking a quick glance before continuing to walk.

"I know, I'm sorry."


what is this i'm so fucking lame haha


welp i'll just make one in the morning yay

have this shitty chapter from start to finish

i honestly didn't know what happened at the start so i improvised a bit haha

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