Chapter 46: Every Second Everyday

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.: Bodil's POV :. (sURPRISE)

It was dark. Really dark. My eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling strong throbbing on my head. It was still dark, but I could feel my eyes wide open. I reached out my hand and moved them around, trying to grab something.

I slowly placed my hands over my face, feeling a gauze wrapped around the spot around my eyes. I took it off my eyes, seeing a bright light engulf my view.

I hissed and rubbed my eyes, looking around. My eyes adjusted, feeling my head throb harder. I glanced around, seeing a figure standing outside by the torch-lit hall staring at me.

I stared back, still holding the gauze tightly. A sharp pain quickly pounded on my face, making me flinch and yelp.

The figure quickly walked over and lifted my face, gently holding it up. It was Bloodie. "Are you okay? You woke up earlier than I expected you to!" He exclaimed, taking the gauze away from my hand.

"Y-You hit your head on an electrical pole when I...I...I'm sorry..." He trailed off, looking down gloomily on the floor. 

"N-No, it's okay. You were just...mad, I guess." I replied, trying not too move much. "I'll go get another one, you're still bleeding. D-Do you need anything?" He asked, making his way out the door.

"Soup..?" I replied, more like asked, actually. He nodded and walked out, leaving me alone in the dark room.

I carefully stood up, holding onto my head gently while I held a desk for support. I slowly made my way out the room, looking around.

Signs were placed above a few doors, saying which one they were. I walked over to the door that said 'bathroom', knocking on the door gently.

I waited for a while, proceeding to open it. I entered and looked around, making my way over to the vanity. I looked over to the mirror and gently stroked my reddish forehead, a large bump formed on it.

I touched my bruised eye and quickly pulled back, hissing at the pain. "Fuck." I growled, staring at the black eye. I looked down at the sink, seeing a small blade next to it.

It was stained, a crimson liquid still dripping from it. I stared, standing still. I slowly picked it up, feeling the liquid drip down my arm. 

It smelled like wet metal, feeling the cold metal on my palm. I looked over to the doorway and saw Bloodie staring, teary-eyed and shaking.

"I'm sorry..."







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