Chapter 40: It'll be Okay (Part 2)

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I patted his back, quickly pulling my hand back. Damn, those are sharp. I thought, looking at him confused.

"Hey, um, since you're here...might I ask how you two are related? Siblings or..?" I asked, trying once again to pat him. He shifted slightly, turning his head slowly over to me.

His eyes looked dead, and a small part of his face was dimmed with black. I stared, but quickly shook the thought away and smiled, trying not to bring up anything bad.

"I'm..." He spoke, his voice rough and quiet. "I'm her fiance." He continued, starting to shake. "D-Did I say something wrong, are you okay?" I quickly responded, stroking his back worriedly.

He started to whimper and sob, grasping onto his knees as he trembled. "I...I didn't know..." He continued, starting to cry.

Oh Notch, I did something wrong. I fucking did something wrong.

"Didn't k-know what?" I tried to ask calmly, yet I stuttered. "The fire..." He replied, trembling harder. "Oh. O-Oh, that." I replied, trying to push away the thought of the scream.

"Well, um, I'm Martin Petrov, or Bodil40 if you want. I'm her neighbor." I said, giving out a hand. He didn't respond, he just...kept on crying.

It was awkward for a while, until he started to whine louder. I panicked and tried to calm him down, repeatedly patting him. I have no other thing to do anyway.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." He repeated, mumbling it over and over again as he cried. I stroked his back gently, tying not to let any of the spikes injure my palm.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, let me just say, it isn't your fault." I spoke, continuing to stroke. "It's nobody's fault. When he told everyone about the story, I honestly didn't mind. It was self-defense. No one wants to die." I continued, gaining the boy's full attention.

"Especially if it's for the people who never cared about you, yet you tried."


shortest chapter in the whole book forgive me

might make a 3rd part aha

these all seem like fillers i'm so sorry

please deal with my shit for now

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