Chapter 34

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Kia gritted her teeth and quickly flew back to Mitch, still seeing the boy leaning next to the coffin. "Benja, let's go." She stated flatly, pulling at the boy's arm.

He looked and was frustrated to stand, but he was forced to. "Already? But we haven't explored that much yet!" He exclaimed, taking glances at the crowd.

"Quit crying about it, let's go." She hissed, pulling him off as she flew. "But I'm not!, you are." He pointed out, pushing away her arm and starting to fly as well.

"No, stay quiet." She grumbled, looking away from his gaze. Mitch stared and sighed, focusing up on the sky. "Fine. Let's talk about it later." He responded, scanning the sky.

"Wait, how do we get back?" He stopped for a moment, reaching his hands around him as if he was expecting to touch something. He took a glance up, raising his arm up.

He stuck out a finger and poked at nothing, showing a small ripple from the sky. "Weird." He mumbled before clutching his hand and punching the invisible ceiling, his wrist up to his hand disappearing.

He quickly pulled the tight void with his free hand, showing a small hole with heaven literally peeking inside it. He pulled it out more, creating a large space for a person to go through.

Kia quickly flew in carelessly, leaving Mitch. He took a deep breath and quickly flew in, the small portal slowly disappearing. Mitch dropped to the liquid-like floor, sighing.

He looked around saw the same figure, just not too long ago. Kia was once again on her knees, her face buried on her arms that was placed over her knees.

He walked over and sat down as well, poking at her stained spot. She slowly raised her head and glanced over to Mitch, her eyes droopy and puffing red.

"Hey, come on now..." He said, gently stroking her back. "Where's the best female friend I met a year ago who kept on laughing like a retarded hyena?" He grinned at the memory, continuing to stroke her back.

"That person isn't here. That act was a lie as well." She grunted, hiding her face once again. He chuckled and gave a strong pat, pushing the girl slightly.

"You know, I've never even noticed that. Because all I saw was a tall asshole who laughed at the truth, even if that laugh was a lie. The truth that she laughed at was that family meant everything." He smiled, gaining the girl's attention.

"That laugh eventually faded into the truth as well because she knew very well that her family was just a couple of idiots that someone needs to look after." Mitch continued, smiling wider.

She quickly gave him a squeeze, crying on his chest. He sighed and chuckled, patting he head. "But not everyone can handle everything alone. So her family returned the favor."

He poked her head off his chest and grinned at her smiling, yet stained face. "Will they forgive her?" She asked, ending the question with a sniff.

"Fuck yeah they will."


The ceremony, or funeral I should say, had ended, Jerome and a few other recruits behind him walking back to the base. Jerome entered, staring at Ty who stopped, but was still leaned to the wall.

"Ty..." Jerome called out softly, Ty's head slowly turning to Jerome. "What..?" He mumbled, his eyes had dark circles under them, his irises slightly gray.

"It's over, why didn't you come?" Jerome asked a bit more sternly, wiping the small tears that were left in his eyes. "I..." Ty started, drifting off.

Ty looked away from Jerome's gaze and sniffed. "I can't, it's too painful..." He replied, clenching his fists. Jerome glared and pulled Ty away from the wall, growling at him.

"CAN'T YOU AT LEAST SAY A PROPER GOODBYE?!" He bellowed, while Ty just stared at him gloomily. "I-I'm sorry..." Ty whimpered, his face scrunching as tears slipped, sobbing uncontrollably.

Jerome sighed and let go, calming down. "Look, it's not your fault...I should be the one who's apologizing, I shouldn't have yelled." Jerome responded, stroking the brown haired boy's head. 

Ty nodded and quickly wiped away the tears. "Sorry, I'm being weak." Ty stated, getting a glare from the bacca.

"Ty, bro, crying is a good thing. Like a really fucking good thing. If you don't cry bacteria and shit get in your eyes, hear me? It also doesn't show you're weak. It just says that you've been strong enough to finally calm down and deal with it." Jerome said, gripping tightly on the boy's shoulders.

Ty chuckled and punched the bacca jokingly, grinning at him. "No need to be so fucking sappy dude." He replied, Jerome laughing along.

"Let's just move on, okay?"



help how do i end stories normally 

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