Chapter 33

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The clone walked over to Adam's cell, lighting a torch. "Aw, little baby's asleep." She said, pouting jokingly. She quickly shook the bars, making an eerie sound.

"Wake up." She called out, getting no response. "Unconscious, eh?" She grumbled, opening the cell door and walking in. With a quick step, she slapped him.

"I said wake the fuck up." She growled, Adam's face quickly showing a pined expression. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his gaze to her, hissing.

"Don't go to fucking sleep or I'll have to make you sleep with the silverfish." She exclaimed, giving another painful slap. He groaned, giving a weak nod.

She left off with the torch, leaving Adam alone once again. He stared down at the stone cold floor, the amulet giving a soft glow.

He coughed, feeling something cold drip from his lips. He ignored it and kept on staring at the unlit floor, feeling the liquid drip from his chin.

He felt eyes on him, weakly turning his head to the cell. He could barely see, yet still see that annoying wall-eyed stare from no other than Quill. (aYY)

"You're so called 'recruits' will be disappointed to hear that their leader is dead, you know." He stated, staring at the man's eyes.

Sky stayed silent, glaring at the squid. Quill started to crawl away, but was stopped by Adam mumbling out words. Quill looked back in the cage. "What was that?"

"They...They'll find me." He roughly breathed out, coughing right after. "No use coughing up lies Sky. Oh, and did you hear? Boss's real form is dead, fun times right?" Quill laughed, continuing to walk.

"Oh, and also that checkered jacket guy. When you die, say hi to me for him." Quill finished, walking back to wherever he came from. Sky stared at him as the squid walked out.

Small images flashed in his head, consisting smiles and often, tears. The most recent tears he's seen was...


He hissed and tears streamed down his cheeks, sobbing loudly. 

"I remember. I fucking remember."


Kia walked down to the basement, seeing Seto brewing potions as usual. "At least someone's being normal here." She muttered, quickly walking back upstairs.

She took a small tour around the base, bringing back memories, but not much. She decided to take a quick peek at the infirmary, checking for injured recruits.

"I may not be able to help now but I..." Her words drifted off, staring at a certain patient who was looking out the window. (you already know who so fuck the mysteriousness)

Bloodie sighed, quickly resting down on the mattress. He raised the back of his hand over his face, staring at the ring that was above the silver one.

He sniffed and broke down, trying to be silent but failed. He wept loudly, burying his face in his arms. "If only you were here longer, we could..." He broke out between sobs, flipping the pillow to cover his face.

Kia stood still, only muttering out one sentence.

"But I'm right here."


what's happening to my writing

this is fucking short ew what

why is this happening

i'm tired help 

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