Chapter 14: sorta gay chapter

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After the recruits finish patching up Mitch for what was hours, Jerome was fast asleep outside the infirmary, hanging his head back on one of the chairs.

One of the recruits walked over to him, carefully shaking him. Jerome yelped and quickly punched, quickly looking around. the recruit cowered to the doorway, keeping a distance from the bacca. 

Jerome looked at the recruit, giving an apologetic face. "Sorry, I thought someone was attacking me. Instincts, you know?"

The recruit sighed and stood, giving a slight nod. "Uh, anyway, we're done patching him up, sir." The recruit replied, making Jerome beam.

Jerome ran over to the recruit and gave a tight squeeze, walking inside. The recruit started walking off, only to be stopped by Jerome's yell. "Hey! Again, I'm really sorry. Thank Notch you were really short though!"

The recruit steamed and turned around, raising a fist in anger. "AYAME BRINE IS NOT SHORT DAMMIT!"

Jerome walked over to Mitch's bed, stroking his light brown hair. "Goddammit, why did you follow it, you fucking idiot?" He mumbled, his other hand gripping his bright red tie. 

A lump formed his throat, as his eyes started to shine. His hand carefully made its way to Mitch's hand, his fingers wrapping around the other.

"I hate you." He said, the hot and salty tears dripping down to his chin. He gripped on his hand tightly, making Mitch flinch slightly.

Jerome covered his face, trying to hold in the tears, but only letting him cry more as he did. He whined and whimpered, his loud bawling echoing to the hall outside the room.

Footsteps quietly distanced itself from the room, leaving a small trail of water behind. Ty was at the top of the stairs, proceeding to go the room.

But he stopped when Kia was walking to the opposite direction, her head lowered to on the stone floor. She quickly ran to the floor below, leaving Ty confused.

'Why was she there?' He thought, shrugging it off right after. He walked over to the room, quietly peeking through the doorway. 

"Um, hey." He spoke, making Jerome quickly look up from his hands. He quickly wiped the tears and gave a weak smile, looking over to the doorway.

Ty nervously grinned and walked over, pulling along a chair to sit on. He placed the chair next to Jerome, placing his arms on the back rest as he sat down backwards.

"Look, I'm really sorry this happened..." Ty trailed off, concern in his eyes. Jerome chuckled a bit, play fully punching the long-haired boy. 

"He's not dead yet you idiot." Jerome said, stroking Mitch's hair. "...I hope."


okay i'm pretty sure this isn't sorta gay

it's gay intensified by over 9000


go take a look at her shit 

also go take a look at VienneWrites's shit that would be nice too if you would

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