Chapter 16

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'' Yeah... '' Cassandra adjusted herself '' Hey Maria ''

'' Mmmm... ''

'' we are going to play truth or dare ''

'' I notice '' she rolled her eyes

'' arrogant bitch '' Cassandra let out irritatedly '' Whatever... so You only get to pick Truth 3 times and the rest would be dare '' She smiled

'' Whatever '' Maria let out then got on her kneel. Suddenly she reached for her shirt button, I raised an eyebrow at her '' Damn, it is hot in her '' she then unbutton the two top buttons, exposing more skin

''And, to pass, you would drink a whole bottle.'' they were only 6 bottles left and I wondered if she would be able to take it all

'' Ok... I will go first '' Isabella announced

'' ok then '' Cassandra gave her go-ahead

'' Maria... Truth or Dare '' It took Maria a few seconds to respond

'' Truth ''

'' how many times have you gotten laid tonight '' Isabella asked excitedly

'' Wow.. that is a good one '' Max let out But I didn't find the question interesting. We all waited for Maria's answer in silence. And it took a few seconds for her to reply

'' Zero, sadly... because I am stuck here with you '' grins with eyes on me. Unlike others. This girl has to fear

'' that is quiet an honest answer ''

'' Guys.. you really need to see the comment. It isn't friendly at all '' Martina announce

'' Let me go next '' Sara leans forward '' Truth or Dare ''

'' Dare ''

'' What a bold move '' nodding '' so Maria. Since you didn't get laid because of us... I dare you to take Max to a room and satisfy your desires '' Sara smiled

'' ohhhh... I like that '' Max stood up immediately. I looked at the excited dog beside me and the moment he noticed my stare, he sat back down. And Maintained

'' I said no taking things too far '' Maria stared at Sara like she would stab her the next minutes

'' you said no stripping you naked. We didn't... I am just giving you a chance to do your usual job... you are a prostitute after all '' Sara reminded. Both girls stared at each other for a long time

'' I'll pass '' Maria reached for a bottle. Pop it open with the table and began to drink

'' woooooooooooooow!!!!'' they all hyped her as she drank and I found her action intriguing. Maria was something.

'' ahhhh'' she let out once she was done ''

'' wooooow '' The guys hyped more

'' how the fuck is she still in her right mind '' Martina asked curiously

'' Whatever '' Cassandra leans forward '' truth or dare ''

'' Truth '' Cassandra's jaw hardened after hearing Maria's response without thinking. She frowned

'' It seems like someone can't get her revenge tonight '' Victor mocked

'' shut the fuck up you moron '' she snapped '' So Maria.... what is the story... You've got to have an explanation for being such a piece of shit ''

'' Pardon?''

'' Why are you so poor?.. is it Daddy and Mummy got no job '' she mocked '' Or... are they dead!!'' excitement in her tone while Maria rolled her drunk eyes '' orrrr '' she smiled '' Did Daddy run off with some cheek and left you since you are just a waste of sperm ''

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