Chapter 72

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I arrived at school and went straight to Gorge's desk, where he was sleeping '' Hey'' I called and got no response Hey I banged his desk, pulling him out of his sleep. Gorge lifts his head gently to look at me and I am greeted by sleepy eyes

'' What is it, Maria?''

'' We need to talk'' I tell him

'' about what?'' curiosity in his gaze

'' come with me... I don't want to talk here''

'' Maria'' he smiled '' I seriously do not have the strength to move''

'' But you had the strength to change seats didn't you'' I didn't know I could get this angry with Gorge, given our relationship, before all this. Now that I think about it. It is really upsetting. Gorge was the reason Logan got on my neck, they turned me into a character in his stupid war movie and kept acting like he knew nothing. He is the worst amongst every single person in this school. '' are you going to come with me or should I just talk about it here'' Silence lived between us as the entire class watched, probably wondering what has gotten with Gorge and me.

'' fine'' with that, we left the class and I led him outside the school to the backyard

'' So it was you'' turning to face him the moment we got privacy

'' what?'' with an eyebrow raised

'' Don't try to act dumb Gorge''

'' Oh'' after a long while of silence '' Yeah it was me'' smiles

'' and you have nothing to say to me?''

'' What should I say... I did it so what'' dumbfounded by his words, I would never have expected it from Gorge. The gentile-wired kid is a psychopathy

'' But.. but why?''

'' You know'' he shrugs '' just for fun. This school bore the fuck out of me until you showed up. That first day, you were able to wake me from my sleep with your presence alone''

''Because you were bored'' hurt by his words '' you played with me because you were bored?''

'' It was fun wasn't it'' smiling brightly '' And the ending was so predictable you know''

'' hh,'' what should I expect from wealthy motherfuckers. It was wrong of me to think of Gorge differently. And speaking of Gorge, what about me? I may not be wealthy but I am still fucked up. Extorting money from my boyfriend's family to pay off my family's debt, dating the son of the man who killed my father. In a way, I am like them. Everyone in this school is fucked up. '' Ok then'' I stick out my hand '' It was nice being friends'' With confusion in his eyes, he hesitates

'' It was nice being friends'' he takes my hand.


I had just entered our department building intending to head back to class. walking past students, who have finally gotten used to my presence. Everyone has learnt to mind their own business. And they learnt the hard way, after what Bianca did the last time, no one approached me.

''Hey Maria'' I ran into Lucas and Victor. Lucas carried a comfortable smile while Victor stood uncomfortably in front of me. '' I didn't see you in class and thought you had already started your holiday''

'' Oh... I had something to deal with outside''

'' Hmmm'' Victor interrupts '' Victor'' he offered his hand for me to take while he introduced himself

'' I know... there is no need for this'' holding back my laugh

'' Yeah, it's stupid right'' awkwardness in his tone and body movement. I watched him put his hand in his pocket

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