Chapter 30

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'' Logan....''

'' shut up '' he said and to my surprise I obeyed '' Remember what you said on Saturday ''


Do I look like a pushover... I don't give a fuck who you are Logan. You can go to whatever length to frustrate me and make me hate my life but I would Never, ever beg you for anything. I got better things to waste my time on '

Back to present

'' And here you are Maria... you came to me for a job '' I bit my lower lips. His smirk had a strong effect on me. Makes me want to explode, maybe it's because he was right. He was the reason I got the job and he also determined when I leave. Finally, he got what he wanted, me in his control

'' Congratulations '' I smiled. Confusing him '' it's that what you always wanted. To have me in your control so congratulations '' shock, he obviously wasn't expecting my words '' why are you surprised?.... or you thought I would beg you or something? ''

'' Maria '' he called and leaned in, making me bend backwards, but he didn't stop, until he was close, so close that I could feel his warm breath against my face. '' You may not beg now, but you will beg eventually.... thought you were lucky since you didn't get expelled didn't you....''

'' No '' I caught him off'' I never felt that way... I was also wondering why you haven't gotten rid of me.. so I concluded that you felt too embarrassed to bring up such a topic '' he frowned instantly. For the first time, I saw his emotions and he didn't try to hide it '' Maria kicked me in the balls... '' I say '' That is quite an embarrassing thing to say ''

''hh '' A shot gasp escaped his lips as he looked down then back at me '' No, that wasn't the case. You are too precious to let go, Maria. I will make you beg, you will beg me to get you expelled, I promise you '' I smiled brightly then bit the edge of my lips, trying to stay calm. His eyes fell on my lips and I watched him stare for a while. Then he looks back up '' you seem nervous''

'' Maybe I am, maybe I am not... But Logan, there is a point a person gets to that they can no longer regret... and I have passed that point '' his anger turned into confusion'' So good luck, good luck Logan.. make me regret '' and silence took over the room as we stared at each other. The room temperature began to increase. He was too close, just too close. '' Logan.. please, you are invading my personal space.. and it is discomforting ''

'' What did you do with the money '' suddenly asked

'' what money '' confused my his suddenly question

'' Our kiss.. what did you do with the money '' I frowned instantly '' I am guessing it was your first kiss '' I looked away from him and sensed his smile which made me face him again

'' so what about it.. what is it was my first ''

'' it's nice to know I was the one who bought it ''

'' Logan... I don't have time for this. My hands on his wet chest, I pushed him but he didn't move an inch '' Logan ''

'' it's young Master to you '' and without thinking too much

'' Young Master.. please move '' after a while of silence. He stepped back slowly and without thinking too much, I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me.

''Maria?'' a female voice called in shock. I knew that voice. I turn to the side to see Bianca, dressed in a simple sweet shirt and shorts. She had her hair packed in a ponytail. I came to the conclusion that Bianca looked hot in just anything. '' what are you doing here dressed like that?''

'' hh,'' what a wonderful day I am having.


Unlike other days. Bianca and I returned home early to study as there was a probability that Father would return home. We were not sure and we didn't want to take any risk. We cancelled our plans for the day and returned home.

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