Chapter 75

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'' I didn't expect you to be back so soon'' My father began the moment I walked into his office at home. He had a red swollen chin. His eyes stared deeply into mine as I stood across from his table. Irritated by the sight of him.

'' I was wondering where you all went. The house was empty when I arrived. he stood up and went around his table to his coffee machine. I watch him help himself with coffee in silence. What would I say to him? Tell him how much the sight of him disgusts me, or what I would do if he was to lay a finger on Maria. '' I was Impressed'' Turns around to face me again, holding his cup of coffee. '' With what you did back there'' his free hand reached for his chin '' Hh'' realizing a gasp when he touched it '' I have always underestimated you... I didn't even realize you have grown this much to become this strong''

'' You didn't realise a lot of things'' He smirks at my words

'' True'' gave a slight nod, admitting his fault for the first time in history '' I have been so nonchalant about things that I didn't realize that some bastard daughter has got my son in her control, to a point where he goes against me now... Funny isn't it?'' talking about Maria

'' You still have men around her? Don't you?''

'' You expect me to let go of loss ends?'' he takes a few steps forward '' No Logan.. that is not our ways, You get rid of them early. Or they would become a problem''

'' Maria wouldn't do anything, Father...''

'' Ha... and what makes you so sure?'' we fell into silence, Father slowly sipped his coffee '' Let me guess'' he placed it on the table '' She told you that she wouldn't do anything and you trusted her? Why? Because you love her? Ha!'' he lets out in disbelief'' I am so disappointed in you Logan'' He turns away from me, taking slow steps away from me '' after all that I have taught you. All the upbringing. All the power I gave you. You let yourself get controlled by some stupid feelings'' turns around after a little distance '' Love!'' almost yelling ''Feelings that are only temporary... Are you an idiot?''

'' Father'' I walked towards him. I have heard enough of his talks '' I don't give a damn what you say or what you think of me'' Standing to face him, eyes locked to his '' if You touch a single hair on Maria... I swear to you, you would regret it'' he gave me a mocking expression

'' Regret it?... And how are you going to do that''

'' I will end it'' I tell him, the truth. That is how far I would go to protect Maria and I do not give a fuck what loss, I never care for any of it away, the power the wealth. It was all for his pleasing '' I will end it all, the power, the fame, the company. Everything you cherish more than life. I will end it. Make sure the world sees the secret behind the Max Family's power'' That mocking expression dropped to seriousness and shock

'' You do not dare to do sure Logan. You will not risk losing it all for some prat... You enjoy this power you possess and I know very well''

'' You do not know me well enough father'' He was losing it. I could see it, I had him right where I wanted him. A man whose greatest fear is losing his control, his power '' all that you know, are the scars you gave me''

'' You can't do it''

'' How about you touch Maria and find out what I can or can not do''

'' You.....'' speechless. His gaze, burnt in rage '' All for some girl?''

'' she is not some girl, Father. And I want you to remember that'' I took one more step closer, locking gaze, making sure he understood the situation '' I am your son, father and Just like you would go to whatever length to protect what is yours. I would do the same even if it means going against you'' his jawline hardened in fury. Usually, he would hit me by now but I get he has realised that we are above that stage '' Do not touch what is mine, Father'' with that I left the office not giving a shit what he would say next. I don't want to hear it.


Stunned, shocked, speechless. He watched his son walk out of his office. Richard. A man of pride, a man who values power and wealth more than life. A man who would go to any length to protect his power. Even if it means hurting his own. He would do it.

He grabs his coffee from the table and walks around to get to his chair. Richard sits down to think. It's time to take things seriously, time for action. His son has gotten out of control. He has to put him back in line.

'' Eric'' he called and in a few seconds, Eric walked into the office maintaining a straight face.

'' Sir?''

'' Where is Maria now'' he takes a sip from the coffee and then places it on the table while he listens to Eric's responses

'' She is at work now''

'' I see'' nods then leans forward in his chair

'' What are your orders, sir?''

'' My orders'' thinking deeply

'' Should we do it the old way?'' Richard remained silent for a long while. The old way would have been the best, that is if Logan would come to his senses. But his son has sworn to ruin everything for the sake of a low life. He has to take a different approach.

'' Before that, we would have to get her away from Logan. With the both of them apart, I can execute'' He lifts his head to look at Eric.

'' so what is the plan''

'' I will offer her what she wouldn't resist. What she desperately values'' a smile gradually grew on Eric's lips

'' I see''

'' Let her be for today, You will bring her in when it is time''

'' Yes sir''


It has been two days since Logan and I met physically. He either texted or called, not less than twice a day. In the kitchen making breakfast, Mother walked in to come join me.

'' I have gotten a buyer'' she announced and I knew well, what she was talking about.

'' Oh'' I watched her open the pot, checking the food on the stove

'' The Neighbors promised to help me with a job and...''

'' I see'' I cut her off. There was no need to hear any of it. I went back to what I was doing while thinking to myself. Would she change her mind if I told her that I already paid? She would then ask me how I got the money and would get upset and ask me to pay Maya back. It's best to just let it be. When she gives me the money to pay the debtors, I would use it for something else.

'' The buyer will be here later today, I will transfer the money to you the moment I am paid. Let's settle this'' She explained further '' the money may not pay the entire debt but it would go a really long way right?''

'' Yeah, it would'' giving a slight nod.

'' Maria'' she called. I turned around to face my mother who now stood in front of me. She gave me a warm smile which made me smile as well '' We would be ok'' she assured

'' I know''

'' Good,'' I watched her turn around and called '' Malisa?''

'' Yes mummy'' Malisa's voice was faint

'' Come help, Maria...'' She scolds'' What is she? Your house help... get your ass over her''

'' ammm'' Malisa grumbles loudly and I smile '' I am coming'' In less than a minute, Malisa walks into the room with a frown, looking as cute as ever. '' Here I am''

'' Cute'' Both my mother and I said in unison and Malisa frowned even more

'' Don't call me that''

'' What should we call you then, pumpkin?'' Mother teases

'' hey'' unable to help myself from laughing at the two. Malisa and Mother, my little family. What would life be like without them?

This is it, lovely readers. Monday update.
I uploaded 4 chapters today just because I felt really happy and wanted to pass a little of my joy to you.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you are looking forward to the next.
If I feel just as happy tomorrow as I feel today then I may upload a chapter or two.
Have a lovely day 🥰

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