2. A greek holiday

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Summery: you and Harry are on holiday and get ready for dinner

Imagine you and Harry are on holiday in a Greek island. Harry surprised you with a 2 week romantic getaway as you had be extremely stressed at work and had many days of annual leave left in which you hadn't used yet. You were so exited to finally get away from work and be able to spend time with Harry. Neither of you had seen eachother that much recently as Harry was having lots of meetings with his team as he was going to be back in the studio soon writing his new album.

It was a day 6 of your holiday and you had both spent the entire day at the beach tanning and swimming in the crystal clear water. When it reached around 5 o'clock you packed up your things and headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. You both showered and you put on a beautiful blue and white floral dress and a pair of white sandals to match. Your hair was all wavy from the beach and you already had a gorgeous tan from spending so much time in the sun. You put on some mascara and lipgloss and walked out of the bathroom to find Harry sitting on the bed in a pair or shorts and a blue button up shirt which was undone to just above his butterfly tattoo. Honestly that man can pull of anything.

He looked up from his phone and smiled at you as you walked out the bathroom and turned off the light.

"Oh baby you look gorgeous". His dimples appearing on his face as he got up and walked over to you placing his hands on your hips and kissing you on the lips.

You giggled a little "thanks baby, I've been so exited to wear this dress it's been in my wardrobe for weeks but I've had no occasion to wear it" you say looking down at your dress

"Well I think it looks amazing on you my love" he replied holding your hand and spinning you around to see a full 360 of your dress.

"Right you all ready to go to dinner ?"

"Yep let me just grab my bag"

You grab your white shoulder bag which only contained your favourite lipgloss and you placed your phone into it an zipped it up

Harry held the hotel door open for you and you walk out waiting for him to shut the door. He turns around and smiles at you as he puts his arm around you and you both head to dinner.

Hi lovelies

Hope you enjoyed this cute holiday imagine 🤍

Message if you have any requests x

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