4. Just because

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Summery:Harry has a little surprise for you

It's a Saturday morning in the middle of July and you are sound asleep in bed. It's around 10am and you were lying in the middle of the bed with the duvet right up to your neck. The sun was shining through the curtains into your bedroom and the window was open leaving a cool breeze. You woke up and stretched your arms out realising you were alone in bed without the presence of your boyfriend next to you. You furrowed your eyebrows very confused and picked up your phone off your nightstand to see a message from Harry.

Harry x

9:24: morning baby, I've just gone out for a run and I'm gonna pick up smoothies on my way home, I'll get your usual dw. I'll be home soon love you xxx

Well there was the answer to your question of why his side of the bed was empty. You got yourself out of bed and slipped on your Ugg slippers and headed downstairs. You were wearing one of Harry's hoodies and a pair of those brandy Melville boxer shorts which you practically lived in. You went into the kitchen and put a slice of toast in the toaster. You're not much of a breakfast person so usually a slice of toast is all you can manage. While it cooks you grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it up with some water. When your toast is finished you grab the strawberry jam and spread it all over. You then head back upstairs to eat it in bed while watching Netflix.

About an hour later you hear the front door open. Harry walks upstairs and into the bedroom in which you get out of bed to go and greet him. "Hey baby how was your run ?" You say after kissing him on the lips. "Yeah it was good baby, it's so warm outside" he says putting the two smoothies down on the dresser.

"I got you somethinggg" he's got one of his hands behind his back hiding something. "What is it ?" You say smiling at him. He pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, pink tulips to be exact and he hands them to you with a big smile on his face. "Oh baby these are beautiful, what's the occasion ?" You say. "There's no occasion" he replies picking up his smoothie and taking a sip. "Then why'd you get me flowers" you say looking down at the bouquet, "just because" he smiles shrugging his shoulders "while I was waiting for our smoothies I saw that a new florist had opened up over the road and they had these bouquets of flowers and I know they're your favourite so I bought them for you" he spoke. "Oh baby thank you so much, I love them" you have a big smile on your face and kiss him on the lips as he pulls you into his embrace "I'm glad you like them baby, I'll go grab a vase, where do you want them ?" He goes to walk out the room. "I'll put them on my vanity I've got space for them". You quickly stop him before he leaves "Harry wait". His head pops back into the room. "What's the matter ?"." I love you" you say smiling at him. He smiles back at you, his big dimples appearing once again. "I love you more darling" He walks out the room and you just smile to yourself as you look at the bouquet. How did you get so lucky.
Heyy x

Thought this was a rlly cute idea x

Open to requestssss 🤍

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