30.to hot to sleep

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Summary:a very warm night causes trouble with sleeping

I tossed and turned in bed, desperate to get myself in a comfy position but it was hopeless. We were currently experiencing a heatwave meaning temperatures were above 30.C and even reached 40 in some places. Harry and I had been lounging around all day because it was too hot to do anything. We spent some time by our swimming pool trying to cool off, but it just got too hot to be out there.

It was currently 2 in the morning and our room felt like a sauna. We had tried everything during the day to keep the house cool: windows fully opened in every room, blinds shut so the sun doesn't heat up the rooms, and keep all the doors open. But still I was sat here feel like I was being cooked alive in my own bed. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach when suddenly Harry's voice appeared. "Can you not sleep either honey" he asked looking over at me. I moved my arms and leaned myself on then and looked over at Harry "it's to hot I feel like I'm being baked in here". I reply as I wiped sweat off my forehead. He chuckled at my comment and sat himself up, rubbing one of his eyes. I repeated his actions and sat myself up, sitting infront of him with my legs crossed as he began rubbing my knee with the pad of his thumb. "The fact we are both completely naked and aren't even using the duvet proves how hot it really is" I say. "I know, and you're always cold, so we know it's hot when you say it's it hot". We both chuckle and I nudged him playfully in the chest. "Cannot believe our fan broke right before this heatwave" Harry mumbled as he rubbed his face with his hand. "I swear we used to have two fans, what happened to the other one ?" I asked. "Harry furrowed his eyebrows, and suddenly his eyes widened "shit we do dont we" he suddenly got out of bed and wandered into hallway. "Babe where are you going" i say, following him. "I think it's in the attic, I'm getting it down I can't take this any longer". Suddenly the attic door opened and Harry pulled the ladder down and began climbing up it. He switched the light on and scanned the area for the fan. "Oh my god I found it !" He said excitedly as I heard the noice of boxes being moved and suddenly a huge box appeared in through the door and was being passed down to me. "Shit Harry!" I yelled as the box suddenly fell into my arms. "Sorry baby". Harry made his way down the ladder and closed the door before opening the box to reveal a fan we hadn't seen in years. "I think we've been blessed babe" I beamed at him as he got the fan out and put it next to our bed. It was one of the tall fans, so it hung perfectly over our bed when we moved the head of it downward. Soon Harry and I were lying on my side of the bed, Harry's arm gently wrapped around me, as the fan blew cool air onto our bare bodies. "Oh my god that feels amazing" Harry hummed into my ear before we both fell asleep.

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