37. The incident at the Grammys

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I was stood inside Harry's dressing room waiting for him to change into his outfit. We were at the 2023 Grammys, where Harry was going to be performing one of his singles As It Was. He was also nominated for a few awards, so this was a big night for him. I could tell he was a little nervous to perform, I mean it's the Grammys it's huge, and although he did it a few years ago, he still always gets a little nervous.

The door swung open and he walked in looking like a disco ball with his sparkly silver outfit on. "Oh wow" I smiled as he walked in with a bit grin on his face. "Looking very sparkly baby" I walked over and kissed him on the lips. "Thanks honey" his hands slid down the back of my body to just above my ass as he kissed my lips. Small moans left our mouth, in which I pulled away "Harry come on you've got to be on stage in a bit" I giggled "later then" he smiled as he kissed me again "only if you win" I joked as he chuckled. Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door and one of the security guards appeared to escort me to my seat "good luck babe I'm sure you'll do amazing" I pecked his lips once more as I left the room.

A little while later, the lights dimmed and Harry was about to perform. He stood there on the stage, as the spinning platform began to move and the music began to play. The performance was incredible, Harry and the dancers did an amazing job and I could not have been more proud of him. After he left the stage I wondered back stage again to see him before the awards started. I knocked on the door and opened it to finding Harry stood there drinking from his water bottle. But something wasn't right, he looked overwhelmed. My smile dropped as I walked over to him "hey what's the matter" I asked as my hands met his cheeks. "The stage was moving the wrong way" he said "what do you mean" "the stage was moving the opposite direction to what we rehearsed, they got it wrong and I tried to tell them but they didn't see so we did the whole dance the other way round" he huffed. "Oh honey...you did so well considering though don't beat yourself up about it" I say trying to comfort him. "I'm just pissed off they did it wrong, it definitely effected my singing because I was trying to make sure I did the dance right"."breathe baby it's okay, I think you did incredible". I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly "it's okay baby, you should be proud you managed to do it the other way round. I'm proud of you and I didn't even notice" I tried to reassure him "thanks baby" he whispered into my ear before someone came in to tell Harry he needed to change before the awards. "Alright I love you good luck okay" I smiled as I kissed his lips "thanks angel love you too".

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