45. To Long

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Summary: Harry finally comes home after travelling

I was overwhelmed with exitement as this day grew nearer and nearer. My boyfriend Harry had been gone for over 2 months filming his new movie. This was the longest we have gone without seeing each other so it was hard for us both. I wanted to be able to go with him but there was no way I could have had any time off work. We texted all the time and he made sure to FaceTime me every night before I went to bed. I hadn't slept well since he left. I felt safe and comfort when I slept with him so it was horrible him not being there. I missed him so much, all I wanted was to hug him and to feel his touch. Not having that for over 2 months was awful and I just wanted him to come home.

But after what felt like years, the day came where he was coming home. I received a text from him just before he got on the plane and the estimated time he would land. I made sure to get to the airport with plently of time. I sat and waited in the waiting area for his plane to land. I suddenly saw a large group of people come from his gate in which I shot up immediately. I watched everyone walk out as I tried to spot my curly haired boyfriend. There he was. He was the last one to leave as he was surrounded by 3 security guards. I watched his face light up and a smile appear as he spotted me. I felt tears well in my eyes. I ran towards him and jumped into his arms as he caught me, my legs wrapped around his waist as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. I felt my body relax at his touch. "Oh I missed you so much baby" Harry whispered into my ear. "I missed you too" I replied as I moved my head to kiss his lips. He looked into my teary eyes and sighed in relief at finally having his girl back. "Never ever leave again" I say as I cuddled back into him. "It was to long baby I know. I've got you now" he cooed. His arms wrapped around me and I felt one of them go under my shirt and rub my back. "That's feels so much better I needed this for to long" I say "me to darling, god I've hated not seeing you everyday" he replies. "I love you so much Harry" I whispered as I kiss his cheek. "I love you more angel"

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