12.the first time

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Summary:it's yours and Harrys first time

When you started dating Harry, you'd told him you wanted to take things slowly. Before Harry you weren't in a great relationship as he didn't treat you well and you ended up finding out he'd been cheating on you for 4 months. It left a hole in your heart when you found out, however, that hole was filled when you met Harry. He was nothing like anyone else you'd been with. His sweet and charming personality created a safe space for you to be in. When you opened up to Harry about your past relationship, he knew not to rush you, I mean it took him while to even ask you to be his girlfriend. He never rushed you, he didn't even bring up the topic of sex to ensure no pressure what put onto your back about it. He adored you, and knew you'd be ready one day, and he was willing to wait as long as you needed.

This evening, you and Harry were getting ready for bed. You were in the bathroom brushing your hair whne Harry walked in a wrapped his arms around you. You smiled at him and turned around so you were face to face and placed a kiss on his lips. He then kissed you again and again and soon your tongues were intertwining. You made your way back into the bedroom where Harry sat down on the bed letting you straddle his waist. His hands glided down onto your waist. You suddenly stopped kissing him and looked into his beautiful green eyes.

"What is it baby" he mutters softly, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.

"I-I think I'm ready" a small grin creeps across your face

"Are you sure, you know we don't have to if you don't want to"

"No I'm ready, I want to" you kissed him again as his hands met the bottom of your Tshirt and began to lift it up over your head. "You okay" he says. You nod and Harry begins to plant kisses onto your neck, letting one of his hands massage your boob causing a small moan to leave your mouth. His hand then moved to your other boob which he began to massage as his mouth still stayed on your neck. He looked up at you again to make sure you were okay and he then stood up and placed you onto the bed where you lay on your back. He lay himself ontop of you where he began kissing down your body until he met the top of your underwear. His hand glided down your body where he began to slide your underwear down your legs where he removed them completely and threw them onto the floor. "You want me to keep going baby" he looked up at you again. Your heart was beating at what felt like 100 mph "don't stop" you muttered as Harry began to leave a trail of kisses up your thighs, his lips then meeting your wet pussy which he began placing kisses onto. Your threw your head back and your hand gripped onto his curls as he began licking your pussy, teasing your clit with his tongue. After a few minutes he stopped and he moved back up so his mouth met your mouth again where he kissed you. "You taste so good my love" he smirks, kissing your neck again. "You still okay, do you want me to keep going" you can feel Harry's dick pressed up against your stomach through his boxers making you want him more "p-please I need you" you whined as he got off of the bed and removed his underwear. He went into his bedside table draw and retrieved a condom which he opened and slid onto his cock which was already dripping with cum. He laid back on-top of you and positioned himself  "you ready" he mutters "do it" you smirk back at him and you suddenly feel him thrust into you which caused a loud moan to leave you mouth. He begins thrusting into you, your legs wrapping around his waist while your arms wrap around his neck. This went on for a few minutes,kissing him as loud moans filled the room. "I-I'm gonna cum Harry" "m-me to darling" a minute later you both released. You head falls into the crook of Harry's neck as your left out of breath. "Are you okay darling" he manages to say as his looks into your very exhausted looking eyes. You nod and smile again, reassuring you are okay. "I'm gonna pull out now baby" he pulls out and pulls the condom off of his cock, disposing it in the bathroom trash and returning to the bedroom where he tugs his boxers back on. Your sat up on the edge of the bed, still trying to steady your breathing. Harry picks up your T-shirt in which you lift your arms up and be slips it on for you. He pulls you onto his waist and kisses you gently on the lips. He looks at you, your cheeks all flustered, your breathing still fast and a small smile left on your face. "That was...perfect Harry" you say rubbing your thumb against his cheek. He smiles and kisses you.

Hi guyss x

I hope you're all enjoying these one shots so far. I'm still trying to improve on my writing so I hope everything I've written so far is okay🤍

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