6. Auntie and Uncle

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Summary: Harry's sister Gemma has her baby

You and Harry were in the car on your way to the hospital. Last summer Harry's older sister Gemma broke the news that she was pregnant with her first child. You and Harry were beyond exited because it meant you were going to have a niece or nephew.

You and Harry had woken up this morning to find that Harry's mum had been calling both of your phones trying to get ahold of you. However, you and Harry had your phones on silent and were in such a deep sleep you didn't even hear the vibration go off. Harry called his mum back quickly as he saw the amount of messages she had left.

"Hi Mum, is everything ok ?!"

"Harry, Gemma's gone into labour, she went in around 1am this morning"

"Oh my god are you serious!"

Your half asleep lying on your back not even listening to half of the conversation rubbing your eyes.

"Yeah, the doctor said it probably won't be to long now"

"When can we come and see them ?"

"Today if you and y/n are free, I can call you when she's had the baby if you want and then you can come down ?"

"Yeah of course mum, wish Gemma good luck from us and we will see you later love you"

"Love you darling I'll speak to you soon bye"

Harry puts the phone down and turns to his half asleep wife next to him."Is everything okay" you say yawning mid sentence and stretching your arms and legs out. "Gemma's gone into labour y/n !" Harry says excitedly with a huge smile on his face. "WHAT" you practically sit up instantly. "She went in around 1am, mums gonna call when the baby has been born and we can go in to see them". You move closer to Harry and he wraps his arms around you. "I can't believe we get to meet our niece of nephew today!"

And that's where you're on your way to now, your sat in the passenger seat of the car holding a bouquet of flowers for Gemma, while Harry drives. He pulls into the hospital and parks the car up. He gets out and walks round to your side, opening the door for you. You both walk into the hospital, "mum said they are on the 3rd floor" Harry says holding your hand as you make your way to the lift. You reach the ward and approach the front desk. "Hi we are here to visit Gemma Styles". The lady at the front desk begins tapping the keys on her keyboard "She's in room 6 just down the hall and to your left" the lady smiles at you both. "Perfect thank you so much". You and Harry make your way down the hall, the excitement building up the closer you get.

You knock on the door and hear Anne's voice "come in". You walk in to see Gemma sat up in bed holding her baby with Anne and Michal sat either side. "Y/N, Harry you made it" Gemma says smiling at you both "how are you feeling" you set the flowers down on the table in the room.

"In doing okay, but... I want you to meet your niece !". Harry has the biggest smile on his face and tears form in his eyes "I-it's a girl!"

A few minutes later, Harry is sat down and Michal passes her to him. A tear falls from his face as he looks down at her "she's beautiful" he's all choked up looking at his little niece in his arms. "so proud of you Gemma, she's so perfect and congrats on being a dad Michal " you say smiling at her and going over to give her a hug and do the same with Michal. "Baby do you want to hold her" Harry says looking up at you "or course !" You reply as Michal takes her off of Harry and he gets up letting you sit down in the chair. Harry's goes over to hug his sister "congrats Gem, I'm so proud of you"

She's placed into your arms and you end up feeling your eyes fill up with tears as well. "Welcome to the family !" You smile at her, as shes opens her eyes "she looks just like her mummy and daddy" you watch her stick her tongue out at you. Harry stands next to his mum who's got her arm around him while tears are still falling down his face, admiring his wife with their niece. He knows you're going to be the best mum ever one day.
Hey x

Made this part as Gemma had announced that she had her daughter. So happy for Gemma and Michal and hope they are both doing well and sending lots of love to their whole family 🤍

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