33. Stress

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Summary: y/n is stressed out with college work and Harry takes care of her

(Prince Harry Imagine 🤍)

(For context, in the UK we finish secondary school at 16, we then go to college for two years, and after that it's the choice of going to University. So this imagine y/n would be around 18 years old. Hope this helps x)

It had been a shitty two years at college and i was coming closer and closer to the end. I'd taken a course at college I thought I'd really enjoy, however after the nightmare of a first year we experienced I was close to dropping out. The teachers at my college were useless and were no help at all these two years. At this point I wasn't aiming for a carer at all, I just wanted my qualification and to get the fuck out of there.

It was currently April time and I had around two months left of college. However, the stress levels were high as we had assignments to finish and revision to do for upcoming exams. I hardly slept over the last few weeks as I'd been practically glued to desk chair, either doing assignments, or trying to study. I had a lot of pressure on my back as my parents were expecting me to come out of this course with high grades like my older brother did. But truthfully, I'm not as academically smart as him, he always did well in school and it made me feel shitty when they would be hard on me for not doing as well as him. I'd think I've heard "Why can't you be like your brother" about a million times it's practically tattooed in my brain. I'd get compared to him constantly and its really brought me down when Im really trying my best. The only two people who really had my back and were getting me through this was my best friend Willow and my boyfriend Harry. Harry and I had been dating for around 2 years now as I met him at a some party Willow dragged me to right before we finished year 11 and we've been inseparable ever since. He's around 2 years older than me and he never went to college as he dropped out early on to start his singing career. I tried to hide the fact I was stressed out as he was so busy with the band, I didn't want him to worry. He knew I was busy with college work, but assumed everything was okay as I would always put a bit smile on my face whenever I saw him.

I was currently packing my things away as the lesson had ended when my teacher asked me to stay back a few minutes so he could speak to me. I walked over to his desk after everyone had left, anxiously picking at my fingers. "Y/n I still haven't had your 3rd assignment in, you know it was due 2 weeks ago" he began with which made my heart rate become faster

"I know I'm really sorry, I promise you it's almost finished" I lied knowing I wasn't even half way done.

"Y/n this isn't acceptable, especially after giving you a week extension which I had no problem with, but you've had another extra week and it should be in by now" he said, his tone of voice slightly raised.

"I know and I am really sorry, Ive had so much revision and other assignments to do I-"

"y/n I've heard this excuse to many times now, look I get you have other units to finish but we all give plenty of time, maybe you need to plan your time better"

"I really am sorry". I didn't know what else to say at this point.

"I've spoken to your tutor and she's going to give your parents a call and maybe you can sit down with them and plan out how you are going to get through the next 2 months". Those words made my stomach churn 'I phoned your parents' was the last thing I needed to hear.

"Alright off you go now y/n, I want that assignment in by midday tomorrow"


I walked out the room where Willow was waiting for me. "Hey...you alright ?" She asked as we walked down the corridor.

"He's got my tutor to call my fucking parents" I frustratingly said.

"Shit, was it really that bad" she said as we stopped and I learned against the wall.

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