23. A bed type of day

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Summary: sometimes all you need is a day in bed

⚠️mentions of depression⚠️

"Baby I'm heading out for a meeting, I'll be home after lunch okay, love you" Harry's whispers to me before kissing my temple and leaving the room. As he left my eyes fluttered open and looked over at the window where I could hear the splatters of the rain. We were officially in winter now, the days grew colder and wetter, and the sun set earlier. But there's one thing which comes along with this gloomy weather. Seasonal depression. I've suffered with depression since I was a teenager, and I've carried it with me ever since. But as we fall into the autumn and winter months, it creeps back to haunt me once again.

I rolled over to look at my phone to see it was 9:43am. I groaned and rolled back over, trying to maintain as much heat as I could from the duvet. However, it wasn't working, I turned my head to see Harry's hoodie on the floor, I stretched my arm as far as I could to grab it without leaving the bed. With my luck I gripped onto the hood and pulled it up to my chest and began putting it on. I also saw one of the many blankets we had draped over the bed frame by my feet which I pulled onto myself. Perfect. I snuggled up and closed my eyes, drifting back off to sleep. I didn't wanna get up, I didn't have it in me. Sometimes there no reason for feeling this way, you just wake up and it's there.

A few hours later I was woken up very suddenly by a slam of the front door. It mad me jolt slightly before I heard "baby I'm home !" coming from downstairs. I groaned and turned back over, pulling the duvet up to my face so I was practically covered. Harry's footsteps grew louder as he approached our room.
"Y/N, baby are you still sleeping" he whispered sitting next to me on the bed and rubbing my back through the duvet. "Not anymore" I muttered. "Did I wake you" he asked, moving further onto the bed to try and get a glimpse of my face. "Yeah you did" I reply still not opening my eyes. "I'm sorry love, I thought you would have been up by now it's almost 1pm" he says, sounding a little concerned in his tone of voice. "Are you alright baby?" He asks. "I'm fine Harry". My eyes filled with tears, sometimes all it takes is someone to ask if you're okay to start the waterworks. "Honey are you crying" he moves round to the other side of the bed so he's facing me. I cover my face more with the duvet, hiding my tears falling from my eyes and onto the pillow. "Oh my darling what's the matter" his hand managed to meet my cheek. "I don't wanna do anything, I just wanna stay in bed" I sniffled before pushing the duvet down to my chest and begin wiping my eyes with my hoodie covered sleeves. "Oh honey, you just feeling a bit down today" he asks, rubbing his hand through my hair. I nod "I'm sorry" I whined "hey shh love it's alright there's nothing to apologise for, everyone has bad days". His finger began wiping my tears off my cheeks. "Do you want me to leave you alone for a bit or do you want me to stay with you" he asks. "No don't go I want you to stay". Harry's gets off the bed and takes his jacket off which he still had on before climbing into bed and pulling me into his embrace. "I've got you baby" he whispers kissing my forehead as we cuddled up together.

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