10. Love bites

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Summary: Y/N wakes up to see the love bites Harry had left on her


You and Harry had a very intimate evening last night which resulted in all your clothes scattered on the bedroom floor. You had a date night in, and had cuddled up on the sofa, and put on a romantic comedy. However, both of your concentration lasted only half an hour as you ended up straddled on Harry's waist, kissing each other, your tongues intertwining as you both moaned. He ended up carrying your upstairs and laid you on the bed before you had both stripped each-others clothes off and Harry was kissing you from your neck to your thighs causing you to throw you head back. "H-Harry d-don't stop" as soft moans escaped your lips. After he teased you, you returned the favour, your hand travelling down his chest to his waist where you took his length in your hand, tugging it a few times to tease him. "keep going darling don't stop".  He bit down on his bottom lip. Before you knew it you were on your back again and Harry was on-top of you as he thrusted himself inside you you, his hips rolling back and forth. You were both moaning messes. This went on for a while before you both released and were left out of breath. After he pulled out and started aftercare, which he did every time you had any sort of sexual intercourse, you were both cuddled up skin to skin in bed and drifted peacefully off to sleep.

When you woke up this morning you were still cuddled up into Harry. His arm draped across his and your pillow while you head lay onto it while his other arm was wrapped around your bare stomach. You turned your head over slightly to see Harry's dreary eyes looking at you as he smiled softly, kissing your shoulder blade.

"Morning beautiful" he muttered still planting kisses onto your shoulder and the crook of your neck. You smile and turn over to meet his face where you exchanged a few kisses.

"Did you sleep well baby ?"

"Mmm yeah I did" you muttered lying on his chest while he stroked your hair.

"How does breakfast in bed sound this morning hmm ?"

"Oooo yeah that sounds good" you look up at him resting your chin on his bare chest.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet I'll be back in a sec" you begin to climb out of bed and retrieve your shorts and vest top off of the floor which you put on and then made your way into the bathroom attached to your shared bedroom. Once you and relieved yourself you made your way to the sink and began washing your hands. You took a glance at yourself in the mirror and your eyes widened to see purple and red bruises on your neck and the top of your breasts as the top was slightly revealing.

"Holy shit!" You say rather loudly causing Harry to shoot up and knock on the bathroom.

"Baby, what's wrong are you okay, can I come in?"

"Yeah you better come in" you're still staring in shock at yourself. Harry had given you hickeys many times but never like this. The bathroom door opened and harry walked in, as you turned over to look at him as his eyes widened as he examined your neck and breasts.

"Oh my- did I- did I do that" he walked over to you and put his hand on your shoulder, taking a closer look at the love bites he'd left on you. You looked up at him then looked down again. The love bites on your neck were very visible, you definitely wouldn't be able to cover it up with a shirt.

"Love I-Im so sorry I didn't even realise I kissed you that hard" he rubs the back of his neck with his hand while you walk back over to the mirror. You move your face to the side and rub your fingers over the marks.

"Harry I have a meeting this afternoon and all day tomorrow, no clothes will cover this, and neither will makeup, everyone is gonna see". you look back over at him. Guilt was written all over his face.

"I'm so so sorry baby, we were both so caught up in the moment I-." He hesitates before saying "how bad are the ones on your-" he points at your boobs as you pull your top down to reveal even more marks.

"Fuckk" he mutters under his breathe

"What the hell and I gonna do, I can't show up to work like this, I'm gonna have to call in sick I have no choice" you walk out the bathroom to grab your phone and walked back in where Harry still stood.

You dialled your bosses phone number and phoned up. After making up the excuse that you'd been throwing up all morning and she advised you to stay off tomorrow as well, you looked back over at Harry. You could tell he felt bad, you couldn't be mad at him, he didn't realise and you were so caught up in the moment.

"Darling...I'm so sorry" he walks over to you, offering a hug which you accepted as he pulled you into his embrace. His chin rested on your head as he kissed it and wrapped his arms around your back.

"It's okay babe, you didn't realise"

He pulls away and you smile a little at him and kiss his lips.

"You promise you're not mad ?"

"I couldn't stay mad at you baby, just gonna have to hope they calm down in two days so I can at least use some makeup to cover them up"

"I'm so sorry baby girl I love you" he whispers kissing the top of my head again.

"I love you to baby" you replied

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