7. Can you please just drive baby

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Summary: fans are following you and Harry almost everywhere

Harry's POV:
The last thing I expected when I got home on Friday was to find my girlfriend in the bathroom on the floor covered in sweat and breathily heavily. When I left that morning Y/N was completely passed out in bed. She was on lying on her stomach, the duvet up to her waist revealing just the top of her laced underwear and her T-shirt, well my T-shirt, lifted up to the middle of her back. I placed a kiss on the back of her head and left for work. When I got home around 4pm, Y/N was sat in the bathroom against the bath looking very hot and sweaty.

"Oh my god baby are you ok ?!" I dropped my bag and ran over to her and knelt down infront of her.
"I feel awful" she replies, her voice all croaky.

"Oh my love" I put the back of my hand against her forehead which is extremely hot and covered in sweat. "Let me grab the thermometer" I got up and grabbed it out of the medicine cabinet and knelt back down to her. I tucked her hair behind her ear so I could place the thermometer inside and waited for it to beep. 39.1 C (102 F). "You've got a fever darling". I put the thermometer on the counter. She coughed and it sounded extremely croaky. "What's hurting baby" I say putting my hand on her knee. "Everything, my throat, my head, my chest feels really tight, my ears hurt, my whole body aches Harry". My heart broke seeing her like this, all I wanted to do was make her feel better. "You haven't thrown up or anything have you" I say, I assumed that may of been why she was in the bathroom "no I haven't, the tiles are cold that's why I'm sat in here" she replies, she rubs her eyes and coughs again. "Shall we get you back into bed and I'll grab you some medicine and a cold cloth to bring down your temperature". She nods and holds her hands out as I help her up and back into bed. For the rest of the day was spent in bed watching movies while Y/N laid on my chest.

5 days later Y/N still wasn't feeling better. We hoped after a day or two we would see improvement but nothing was better. It was Wednesday morning and I was sat downstairs on the sofa watching the TV with a cup of tea. I then heard sock covered feet make their way down the stairs and into the living room. Y/N appeared with her plaid pajama bottoms bunched up on one leg and her bun in her hair looking like it could fall out at any moment. "Morning baby, how are you feeling ?" I say opening my arms as she sits down next to me and I wrap my arms around her as she cuddles into me. "The same" she replies still sounding very croaky. She keeps holding her chest as she's been having a lot of pain and discomfort over the last few days. "Y/N I think you need to go to the doctors, your not feeling any better and it really should have been getting better by now" I say rubbing my hand up and down her arm. "I don't wanna go to the doctors" she whines. "Baby you need to go, they will make you feel better and figure out what on earth is going on with your body right now". After a few minutes of going back and forth with "I don't wanna go" and "you need to go they can help you feel better", Y/N finally gives in. I phoned up for her and they were able to squeeze her in at 3pm this afternoon. I helped her get washed and dressed and we headed out to the doctors. She was sat in the passenger seat with her feet up looking out the window.

We reached the doctors and went in and waited for her name to be called. 10 minutes later the doctor came into the waiting room. "Y/N Y/L/N" she says and we both followed her to the room. She sat herself up on the bed while I sat in one of the chairs next to the bed. After discussing with the doctor what had been going on and she did some basic checks she finally had an answer. "Well Y/N it appears that you have a chest and ear infection which is why you've been feeling so ill over the last few days". I reached for Y/Ns hand which I squeezed slightly and she looked over at me and smiled slightly. I could see how exhausted she looked, she's hardly slept over the last few days and she just looked so fed up with being sick. "Okay so I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics for that and you should be able to go and pick them up from the pharmacy now as I've just sent them the details. You will need to take one of each tablet every morning for 7 days and you should start to feel better, and if you aren't feeling better within the 7 days, do come back in and if you have any questions just phone and we can accommodate you alright" she says smiling at us both. Y/N gets off the table and I stand up with her. "Thank you so much" I say and me and Y/N both leave the doctors.

As we are walking to the car Y/N looks up at me. "Baby there's people filming us"

"Sorry baby" I say not hearing her the first time. "There's people over there Harry they are filming us".

I look to my right to see around 8 people with cameras trying to speak to us both. They keep saying things such as "can I get a picture" " come on Y/N and Harry stop for a chat" "feel better Y/N" "Y/N what's it like dating the Harry Styles". When it comes to fans and paparazzi, I have no problem with them coming up to me in the street or in shops, I'm always happy to meet fans, however this wasn't the place to be talking photos and videos and trying to get our attention. I pulled Y/N closer and we both picked up the pace to the car. I opened the door for Y/N she climbed in as I shut the door behind her. I got into the driver seat and looked over at her. She was sat with her feet up, tears forming in her eyes and sniffling. "Oh baby" I say placing a hand on her cheek. "Can you please just drive baby they are coming towards the car" tears are now falling down her cheeks. I don't hesitate to start the car and we drive off. I place my hand on her thigh as we drive to the pharmacy. I get out and go in to pick up her prescription and come back 5 minutes later. She's still got a foot up on the seat, tears falling down her red cheeks and picking at her fingers. "You okay" I say softly rubbing her thigh. "Why are they always following us Harry" she says "I mean it's fine in the streets and stuff but at the fucking doctors that's private stuff they shouldn't be doing that" she keeps taking breaths as she's crying and trying to speak at the same time. "I don't know my love". I honestly didn't know what else to say, I felt guilty in a way that it was my career causing these people to follow us around. Y/N always reassured me it was okay but I get why she was upset. She's had a shitty week and she's feeling awful and now people are filming us leaving the doctors. "Shall we get you home" I say with my hand on her cheek rubbing it with my thumb. She nods and I buckle myself back in and we drive home.

When we get home I get out the car and go and open the door for her as she climbs out. I let her in the house first and follow her behind as she kicks off her shoes and walks into  the living room. I take off my trainers and follow her in where she turns around and just walks into my chest. I wrap my arms around her as she sobs "hey hey it's okay baby it's okay" I whisper to her.

Later that day, I find Y/N sat up in bed scrolling through her phone with a tear falling down her cheek. "Hey baby girl what's the matter" I say sitting next to her. She hands me her phone and I see that the pictures and videos of us at the doctors had been posted on social media and even made it to some news companies. The headlines saying "Harry and Y/N seen walking out of the doctors" "Harry's girlfriend looks extremely ill as they both leave their local doctor surgery". The list went on with multiple articles trying to figure out what was wrong with Y/N and sayings she looked "worryingly ill". I put the phone down and pulled her onto my lap so she was straddling my waist. I put my fingers under her chin, lifting her head up so she was looking at me. "Don't listen to social media baby, they don't know anything" I say trying to comfort her. "I just wish we could get some privacy sometimes, I know it's not anyone's fault I just wish the fans would respect us sometimes" she looks down wiping a tear from her tear stained cheeks. "I know angel I know, I've spoken to my managers and they are going to try and get these articles and posts removed because it's unacceptable for them to be making up assumptions like this alright" she looks back up at me "you called your managers ?" She looks at me confused "of course baby, I'm not having these people take pictures of you and make up a load of shit on social media which after reading them, is a load of crap, I'm not having them treat my girl like that". I watch a small smile creep onto her face "I love you so much Harry" she says "I love you more baby" I kiss her forehead as she nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck.

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