36. Nap

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Summary: Harry comes home to find you asleep

Imagine it was around 4 o'clock and you'd just stepped into the house after work. You kicked off your shoes, dumped your bags, and began to make your way upstairs to change. You slipped into a pair of joggers and a hoodie and threw your dirty clothes in the wash bin. You stood and stared at the bed for a moment and decided to get cuddled up under the covers for a small nap. You climbed in and pulled the duvet right up to your face, and before you knew it you were sound asleep.

A few hours later Harry returned home from work. He called your name, but when he heard no reply he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He crept upstairs and pushed the bedroom door open. His face softened and small smile crept onto his face when he saw his girlfriend l curled up in bed. He walked over and moved a few hairs out your face before leaving a gentle kiss on your cheek. He then left and pulled the door to behind him.

You woke up around half an hour later, rubbing your eyes and staring around the room very dazed. You sat up and rubbed your eyes again before the sound of pots and pans reached your ears. You climbed out of bed and walked out the door and downstairs. You were met with the smell of dinner cooking and turned the corner to find Harry by the stove. He turned around when he heard your sock covered feet walk in. He smiled at you, standing there with one of your jogger legs bunched up to your knee, and your hair all over the place. "Hey angel, you okay ?" He asked as he stirred one of the pans. "Mhm" you mumbled as you stretching your arms out. Harry walked over to you as you yawned and rubbed one of your eyes. "You still sleepy ?" he said as his hand met your shoulder. You nodded and walked into his chest where he wrapped his arms around you. He kissed the top of your head as you looked up at him. He kissed you gently on the lips. "How long was I asleep for" you asked " a few hours I think, I came home and you were sound asleep" he replied as his arms still wrapped around your back. "You sure you're okay though honey" he asked, concerned at how sleepy you looked. "Just tired, it's been a long day" You moved your arms so they wrapped around Harry's neck as you nuzzled your face into it. "I know angel, dinners almost ready and after we can get cuddled up in bed" Harry said as he kissed your cheek. He walked back over to the stove and began serving his and yours food.

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