8.the night we met

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Summary: how you and Harry met eachother

It was a Saturday afternoon and you were getting ready for an event. You worked in the fashion industry and had been invited to a fashion event in which you would get the opportunity to interview some celebrities. You were beyond exited and spent all afternoon getting ready.

When you arrived you watch all the celebrities arriving in their long stretch limos, wearing the most beautiful, expensive outfits you've ever seen. Everyone looked incredible. You got the chance to interviews many celebs and was having the most amazing time.

After the event there was an after party which you also got an invite to. There was many other people who worked in the fashion industry there along with some the celebs who had chosen to stay for the party. You weren't really a party person, you never had been as you struggled to socialise with people, especially if you didn't know them and at this event, you didn't know anyone so you felt a bit out of place. You ended up finding yourself say at the bar that was inside the venue drinking a glass of wine.

All of a sudden you were startled by someone standing next to you who broke you from your daze. You jolted when he appeared and you looked over to see who it was. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he said. You looked up and were greeted by a man with green eyes and curly brown hair, and was wearing a white suit. "Oh no it's okay" you reply. You take the last sip of your drink and set the empty glass down on the bar. "can I buy you a drink ?" he says smiling a little at you. His forearms are leaning against the bar and he's staring into your eyes. "Um...yeah okay" you smile back at him. "Right, what can I get you" he hands the empty glass back to the bartender. "Sauvignon blanc, the French version please" you say to the bartender and looking back into the green eyes of this mysterious man. "I'm Harry by the way" he says making you realise who you're actually talking to. "Styles!" you say in a slight shock. He laughs and looks down then back up at you, his dimples popping out of his face as he smiled at you "yeah, it's nice to meet you" the bartender hands you your drink and you thanks him. "I'm so sorry i didn't mean to act all shocked then, I've just admired your fashion well for a while now, and I obviously know your music I've been a fan since one direction, god sorry I sound like a mad fan or something I mean like- " you find yourself nervously rambling when Harry stops you "hey hey, it's alright love" he smiles at you. "God I'm sorry I just rambled on at you" you let your forehead drop into your hand in embarrassment. "No no it's alright, it's happened to me before it's okay" he pick up his own drink and takes a sip. "Let me start again sorry, I'm Y/N"

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, did you wanna um go sit down at a table". He honestly looking a little nervous himself. "Yeah I'd love to" you reply picking up your drink and purse and getting off of the bar stool and heading over to a table in the corner of the room. You both sit down opposite each other. "You look beautiful by the way" he smiles again making you blush. "Thank you, you look great to, that suit is amazing" you smile at him, your cheeks all red which he definitely noticed.

"So, how's your evening been so far" he takes a sip of his own drink, not breaking eye contact with you.
"Well, it was amazing interviewing some of the celebrities at the show, but I don't really know anyone else". He could not stop smiling at you, you could feel yourself getting slightly hot. "I work in the um fashion industry, I have for a few years and I got invited here to interview celebrities, watch the show and come to the after party" you take another sip of your drink "do you enjoy it" he says "yeah I do, I've dreamed of doing this since I was like 12 so it's quite magical seeing it actually happen". There's silence for a moment which you break "so, what made you want to sing as a career"
"I always loved it as a kid, my mum told me I was really good and signed me up for the Xfactor and yeah, here we are" he laughs a little "I've heard you sing, you've really got a really beautiful voice". You watch his dimples appear again" that's really sweet of you thank you"

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