21. Nails

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Summary:you paint Harry's nails

Imagine you sat in Harry's dressing room a few hours before his show. "What are you wearing tonight baby" you ask him as he's scrolling through his phone. "I'm wearing pink and brown trousers with a pink top and it's got like a green bear on it" he replied smiling at you and kissing your temple. You hold Harry's hand and fiddle with his rings as he watches you and smiles. "Do you wanna paint my nails for tonight baby" he asks with a grin on his face knowing how much you enjoy doing his nails. "Is that even a question!" you excitedly say, jumping up and rummaging in Harry's bag. He always keeps a few polishes with him for shows, and he knows his girlfriend is always up to paining them for him. "What colour do you want, there's blue, pink, white, and red ?" you look up at him, clutching all the colours in your hands. "I'll go for blue please darling" you put the other colours down and sits on the sofa, sitting with your legs crossed as Harry turns and faces you,  holding his hand out for you. You open the bottle of nail polish, take Harry's hand, and begin gently swiping the polish across his nail. Harry can't help but smile at you, sitting there all concentrated, making sure not to miss any spots. "Other hand pleasee" you say, taking his other hand and repeating the same. Once you're finished you take his other hand and begin the second coat. "Look at you all concentrated" Harry teases causing you to smile at him. "Cant mess up these beautiful nails can we" you giggle as you take his other hand and begin his second coat. Once you're finished you get up and begin to rummage in Harry's bag again. "Have you got a top coat in here" you say as your hand digs deaper into Harry's huge pleasing bag. "It is in there baby" he laughs "why do you need so much stuff in here, you pack more than me!". You finally find it and shuffle back over to the sofa and sit back down with your legs crossed and begin the top coat. A few minutes later you're all finished, you hold both of Harry's hands and begin blowing them. After a few minutes of blowing Harry's nails dry you look up at him and grin "they're all done baby, so pretty" you giggle. "Thank you beautiful girl". He cups your cheeks and kisses your lips.

Pls message me if you have any requests xx

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