41. Dizzy

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Imagine you and Harry were at home and it was the middle of the afternoon. You'd been out that morning for breakfast and was now chilling at the house. Harry was sat on the sofa while you were cleaning the kitchen. Once you finished you walked out the kitchen and into the living when you suddenly stopped in your tracks. Your hand met your head as you felt as if the room was spinning. "Woah" you muttered. Harry looked up at you and shot up as he saw you swaying slightly on the spot. "Hey hey honey what's wrong" he asked concerned as he walked over to you. Your hands gripped onto his arms trying to stop you from falling. "Harry the rooms spinning" you panick. "Come sit down baby come on". He helped you to the sofa where he sat you down. He sat in front of you on the coffee table and held your hands. "My head feels funny Harry" you say, looking around the room which is spinning in front of you. "I've got you honey, look at me" you look into his eyes "you're okay, I'm not going anywhere" He held onto your hands and rubbed them gently with his thumb. Harry could tell you looked panicky, your breathing was a little heavier than normal and your facial expression displayed it. You sat in silence for a few minutes as the dizzy spell passed. "Has it passed ?" Harry asked as he noticed you to calm down a little. "I think so, my head feels all fuzzy" you replied as you sniffled. "Let me grab you some water". He got up and returned not even a minute later with a bottle of water which he'd already opened ready for you to drink. "Here honey drink this" he passed you the bottle as you began to take small sips. "You okay now ?" He asked as he held onto your hand tightly. You nodded and let a tear fall down your cheek. You'd never had that happen to you before so it was quite scary to experience it. Felt as if you were on a roundabout, getting faster and faster by the second. Harry moved onto the sofa and pulled you onto his lap where he wrapped his arms around you. "That was horrible why did that happen" you asked into Harry's chest. You sat up and looked at him as he wiped a few tears from your cheek. "I don't know angel, sometimes it just happens" he reassured you. You cuddled back into Harry's embrace and sniffled a little as he held you tightly. "Ive got you sweetheart don't worry"

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