28.Getting along

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Summary:Harry loves the way you are with his family.

Harry's POV:
When I introduced y/n to my family I knew she was very nervous. She spent so long that morning getting ready and in a complete state because she wanted to impress them as best she could. "What if they don't like me" she whined at her vanity while she was applying her makeup. "Babe they are gonna love you, just be yourself. I'm not leaving you with them I'll be there holding your hand the whole time". The day ended up being perfect. My mum adored y/n so much and she got on so well with my sister and her partner.

This particular day Y/N and I had gone round to my mums for dinner along with Gemma and Michael. Y/N had wondered into the kitchen to bring some empty mugs in for my mum. A little while later I popped to the toilet and once I returned I peaked my head into the kitchen to see my mum and Y/N laughing while cutting some tomatoes for dinner. I couldn't help but smile at the two of them. Y/N was most nervous about meeting my mum as unfortunately when y/n was around 12 her mum passed away, so she hasn't had a mother figure in her life. So seeing the two get on melted my heart so much.

"Look at those two" Gemma said, appearing next to me. "Seems like mum likes her more than you Harry". I couldn't help but chuckle at the comment and I nudged Gemma playfully in the arm. She stared at me as I admired my girlfriend, who had the biggest grin on her face. "You really love her dont you". "Yeah I do, so much" I look back at her and we both smile and then turn back to the giggling pair in the kitchen. I'm gonna make that girl my wife one day.

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