9. Organising

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Summary: your a little forgetful sometimes

Harry's POV:
I'd been at the studio all day and was so ready to get home. Y/N had a few days off work so she said she was going to clean our room today and she'd cook dinner. She absolutely adores cooking and baking, she's always wanting to try new recipes and try new foods and whenever she can.

When I arrived home, I expected to be welcomed with a strong smell of whatever dish Y/N was prepping tonight. But instead, the house was silent and not food smell was present. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to call for her

"Baby I'm home !"


I took off my shoes and made my way upstairs. The lights were all on and her car was in the driveway, so I knew she had to be home. I approached our bedroom and that's when I heard the sound of her phone. I pushed the door open to see the top of her head peaking out from the other side of the bed. I looked around the room to find that she'd been organising her wardrobe as the doors were wide open, the dresser draws were also open, and the fact there was clothes all over our room.

"Baby, what on earth are you doing ?"

I walked round to my side of the bed where Y/N was sat on the floor, back against the bed, scrolling on her phone.

"Oh my got Harry your home, I didn't even hear you come in!" She looked at me startled.

"Babe what happened in here it's like a bomb went off". I just examined the state of our room and looked back down to see she had turned her head around slightly to see the mess she had made.

"Umm, well I wanted to organise the wardrobe and well the clothes on the bed are what I'm keeping, the clothes in that cardboard box are not hat I'm getting rid of and well...everything else I haven't sorted out yet" she looked back up at me with innocent eyes.

"Okay, and what's the reason for you sitting on the floor" I knelt down to her level as she keeps eye contact with me.

"Sorry I got distracted, and the floor is just more comfortable to sit on"

I couldn't help but chuckle and I placed a kiss on her lips.

"Oh my god I was meant to cook dinner for when you got home your probably starving I'm so sorry" she realised suddenly and immediately put her phone down and stood up to go and leave to cook dinner but I stopped her but gently grabbing her arm.

"Hey baby it's okay, I'm not expecting you to cook now it's late" I reassure her it was ok as she steps back towards me and place my hands on her shoulders as she looks up at me.

"Are you sure, I feel bad" she looked down again but I placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up.

"How about we order a pizza or something for dinner, and while we wait I'll help you finish sorting your clothes out"

"But baby your tired you've had a long day I can finish in here"

"No no it's okay I wanna help you, I mean you've done the big part by organising it into piles, we just need to sort out the rest of it and then put everything away"

She smiled at me and immediately walked into my embrace while I hugged her tightly, resting my chin on her head. I always found it cute when she was a little forgetful. I kissed her forehead and I went ahead and ordered us pizza.

"Right pizza is ordered, now shall we get these clothes sorted" i started going through her maybe pile and holding things up while she decided if she wanted to keep it or not.

"Right what about this top" I held up one of her crop tops which she tilted her head to look at.

"Hmmm, I've only worn it like twice but..."

I cut her off and laughed cause she had been doing this for everything I'd picked up.

"Darling...will you wear it again"

She shook her head and a smile crept on her face as I threw it into the cardboard box of clothes she was getting rid off. Before we knew it we were finished and the doorbell rang.

"Look at that perfect timing" I said smiling at her as we both made our way downstairs. 5 minutes later we were sat under blankets on the sofa, stuffing our faces with pizza while watching a movie.

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