26. Little pink dress

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Summary: you and Harrys have a little fun in the dressing room before his show


"Ok you can come in now!" y/n yelled to Harry from inside his dressing room. You were going to be watching the show in the audience tonight so was getting into your outfit to show Harry. The door opened and Harry's mouth dropped open as he saw you standing in your little pink dress which only came down to just below your bum. "Oh my-" he tried to find his words which made you giggle. "Do you think it's too short" you say turning around to reveal how just you bending over would reveal your ass to everyone. A smirk grew on Harry's face as he walked over to you and placed his hands on your waist before kissing your lips. "You look gorgeous darling" he muttered through your kissing which were becoming stronger by the minute. Your lips moved down to Harry's neck which you began pecking at, causing a small purple mark to appear. Harry's hand moved to your ass, squeezing it causing a moan to leave your mouth. "Baby I need to go on stage in a minute" Harry muttered as you both began moving backwards towards the coffee table. "I don't care, I need you" you mutter as your ankles hit the coffee table and soon you were laying on your back on it and had pushed everything off of it. "Touch me baby please" you moaned as Harry knelt down and opened your legs. He caressed your thighs and began leaving a trail of kisses along one. His hands moved up to your underwear which he pulled down around your ankles and soon his head was buried deep into your thighs. You threw your head back and your hand gripped onto his hair as his tongue began licking your clit. His hands gripped onto the coffee table as he buried his head even further. "Fucckk" you groaned as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to climaxing. "H-Harry" you moaned "I'm close Im-". Before you could finish you released, your head throwing back and your grip loosening on Harry's hair. Harry looked up at you, his hands left your thighs and pulled your underwear back up. His hands met your waist as he sat you up properly. Your hands lay on Harry's shoulder as he licked his lips "you tasted so good baby" he smirked. You hadn't said a word to him yet, your eyes looking at the floor and your breathing still heavy. Harry's finger tilted your head up so you were looking at him, his hand then meeting your cheek and his thumb rubbing it gently. "You alright honey" he whispered softly. "Yeah I'm okay" you mutter back, a small smile creeping onto your face. "There's my girl" Harry smiled and kissed your lips before standing up, his hand holding yours and helping you up. "I gotta go perform now baby" he laughs as your arms wrap around his neck and you look into his eyes. "Can't you stay, maybe I can return the favour" you smirk. "Does that offer still apply after the show" Harry's says, you kiss his lips again. "We will have to see won't we"

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