44. the secret daughter pt3

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It's been 3 years since Harry and I started dating, and I couldn't be more happy with my life. Harry and I bought a beautiful house around a year ago which we had always wanted, and around 6 months ago he proposed to me in which it was an instant yes. My daughter Sophie was now 6, and she adored Harry. Life felt normal again. It was everything I ever wanted.

I was currently prepping dinner for the 3 of us, with Soph sat at the kitchen island with some Lego she was building. Suddenly, the door opened where we heard the voice of Harry who had just come home from work. "I'm home !" He greeted as he appeared from the hallway. "Daddyyy" Sophie yelled as she ran towards him and into his arms. "Hey sweetheart" he said as he picked her up off the floor. "How was school ?" He asked "good I wanna show you something, actually I wanna show you two things !" She smiled as she climbed out of Harry's arms and ran upstairs. Harry smiled and walked towards me "hey bubs" he said as he kissed me "hey honey, how was work ?" I asked as I continued to cut up some vegetables. "Mmm busy, missed you though" he mumbled as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you too honey" I said as I turned around and hugged him tightly. "What you cooking tonight then ?" Harry asked as he turned round look at the vegetables I was cutting. "bolognaise, on Sophie's request". We then heard the footsteps of Sophie running down the stairs and back into the kitchen. "Look daddy I did this for you and mummy today" she beamed as she handed us a piece of paper. It was a drawing she had done of the three of us. "Oh wow Soph this is amazing !" I say "what a beautiful picture Soph" Harry also added. "Also look at the Lego daddy I'm almost done" she pointed at the table where she had it placed. "Oh baby you've done well on this, reckon it can be done before you go to bed". "Can you help me finish it before dinner ?" She asked looking up at him. "Of course baby, let me take my shoes off quickly then I'll be in" he replied. "Yayyy" she cheered as she climbed back up on the stool. I finished cooking dinner while the two of them finished up the Lego. "Look mummy it's finished !". "Oh baby well done it looks amazing" I told her as I began to plate up our dinner. "Can you wash your hands for me so you can have your dinner" I tell her and she then climbs off the stool and runs off. "Dinner looks great honey" Harry says as she kisses my cheek and grabs out the cutlery and some drinks.

After dinner, I begin to clear up while Harry gets Soph ready for bed. Just as I finish up I hear little footsteps running towards me. "mummyyyy" she says as she runs into my arms. I pick her up as she wraps her legs around me "I want you and daddy to tuck me in pleaseeee" she says as she looks back at Harry who's leaning against the kitchen counter, "of course sweetheart" I say as I carry her up the stairs with Harry following behind me. I put her down and she runs into her room and into bed. "Sleep well baby, I love you" I whisper as I kiss her cheek. "Night Soph, I love you" Harry then follows and kisses the top of her head. "Nightttt" she smiles as we walk out the room and pull her door to. "Right, you gonna go watch our show before we go to bed" Harry says as we walk back downstairs. "Duhhh, we need to find out what happens next I've been so desperate to watch it". Harry chuckles and sits down next to me on the sofa, wrapping his arms around me as I cuddled into him. I looked up at him in which he looked down and we exchanged a few kisses. "I love you" I whisper as I kissed him again. "I love you more"

I hope you guys enjoyed this mini series, I rlly enjoyed making it 🤍

If you wanna see more mini series lmk and give me any ideas for what u want to see.

Em x

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