14. He's sick

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Summary: Harry's not feeling well while on tour

"Baby are you sure you don't want to postpone tonight's show" I'm sat next to him in his dressing room, tracing my hand up and down his back while he sits up on the sofa drinking from his water bottle.

"I'll be fine I can't miss another show" he replies with his extremely hoarse voice. He's been sick with the flu for a few days and already had to postpone his last show because he couldn't even get out of bed.

He coughs and falls back into my arms while I kiss the top of his head and run my hands through his hair. The stage crew knocked on the door and alerted Harry it was 5 minutes till the show in which he proceeded to take another sip of water and get himself up off the sofa. I held his hand as we approached the stairs to the stage in which he turned to look at me.

"Good luck baby, please don't push yourself to much" i pull him into my chest in which his arms immediately wrap around me.

"I'll be fine darling don't worry" he kisses me gently on the cheek and gets ready before heading onto the stage for the show. The crew take me to the side of the stage where I'm able to see him perform, but the crowd can't see me. I watch him run, jump and dance around the stage, my heart beating faster than it should, as my eyes are filled with worry. He put a big smile on for his fans when deep inside I knew he felt awful and just wanted to be in bed. My heart shattered when I saw him singing sign of the times, shaking his head knowing he just couldn't sing this verse of the song. He stuck the microphone out to the crowd letting them sing.

The show ended and I waited on the sofa by the stairs for him to exit. I immediately shot up as he appeared, rushing straight over to him. He looked exhausted. His eyes looked like they were struggling to keep open, his face looking slightly pale and he had sweat dripping off of him.

"Oh my poor baby" I say as he walks straight into my arms. He felt extremely hot, the sweat on him was dripping onto me as if he were almost melting. I put my hands on his cheeks as he moves his head so we are face to face. A concerned look was spread across my face as I placed my hand against his forehead.

"Honey you're burning up" his dreary eyes look into mine. "I feel horrible y/n, I wanna go home" his voice even more hoarse than it was as his head falls back into my shoulder. "Let's get you home baby come on"

Within an hour we finally make it back to the hotel. Harry sits on the bed in which I stand infront of him, my hand meeting his rosy cheeks as he looked up at me. "Do you want a cold shower or anything ?" I suggest. He shakes his head and coughs again, it sounded awfully croaky. "How about you get out these clothes and into bed and I'll grab a cold cloth for your head and you can take some medicine to make you feel better, okay?" He nods and begins to strip his clothes of, as I hear a relieved breath leave his mouth as the hot, clammy clothes leave his body. He lays on the bed, ontop of the duvet, as I walk over to him, water in one hand, and a cold cloth in the other.

"Right here's your water and your medicine" I take the medicine from his nightstand and retrieve the pills out for him and place them in his hands. Once he takes them I placed the cold cloth on his forehead.

"Mmmm that feels good" he mutters, feeling the effects of the cloth cooling his body. "I'm gonna get into my pyjamas and then I'll get in bed with you" I kiss his cheek before getting myself ready for bed. Once I'm finished I climb into bed with Harry as he removes the cloth from his forehead and cuddles into my chest.

"You feeling better baby" I whisper, kissing his forehead which feels a lot cooler now than it did before. "A bit yeah, thank you sweetheart" he says before coughing again. He lays on my chest while I rub my hand up and down his back which he seemed to appreciates for one of the first times as I always have cold hands. "Gonna rest up tomorrow baby okay, get you feeling better" I whisper as he looks up at me. He smiles a little before laying his head back down on my chest and as he falls asleep until all I can hear is the sound of his hoarse breathing fill the room.

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