42. The secret daughter

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Summary: you have a daughter and Harry doesn't know

I was very reluctant to telling Harry I had a daughter. We'd been dating for around a month now and I honestly don't know how he hasn't found out yet. But I had my ways at keeping it quiet. Truth is it's a complicated situation. My daughter is 3 years old and her dad, although is a part of her life, doesn't care for her as much as I do. She goes to his house maybe once a week depending on his work and his snobby new girlfriend isn't a big fan of having the child of her boyfriend's ex around the house. She's a bitch. He wasn't too pleased when I told him I was pregnant, but told me he would support me when in reality he was seeing someone else behind my back. So we ended things and agreed my daughter Sophie would live with me and visit her dad when she could. So that's what life has been like for the last 2 ish years. And after I took time to care for my Sophie I decided I should try to see if I could meet someone. But the few guys i had talked to had bailed the second they found out i had a daughter. So it's not been great. Until I met Harry. We clicked instantly and we had a good bond. We went out a lot together and after going on dates for a few weeks and getting to know eachother he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was an instant yes but then it plummeted on me that I would have to mention Sophie. I really liked Harry and felt as if this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Meaning he would become a father figure to Sophie. So I had to tell him. Somehow. Wasn't sure how. But I had no choice if I wanted this to work out between Harry and I.
Current day -

Harry pulled up at my house after I'd spent the night at his house and we'd gone out for brunch. "Do you want me to walk you in" he asked as he pulled the handbrake up and began to unbuckle is seatbelt. "No it's okay baby I'll be fine" you smiled and began gathering your things. You looked up at Harry who had a confused and suspicious expression across his face. "What's that face for ?" You chuckled a little. "Honey we've been dating a whole month and I've never been inside your house ?" He asked. My heart sunk. My eyes widened with made Harry look even more confused. "Well I just um-" I stuttered trying to find the best and believable excuse. "Love what's going on, is there something you need to tell me ?". His hand rubbed my thigh which made me bite my lip trying not to let any tears spill from my eyes. "It's just um- it's messy I-". I looked into Harry's eyes who looked so confused, concerned, and slightly worried about what was going on. "Shit" I muttered as I fell back into my seat. "What's going on y/n, you've been over my house a lot and you make up lots of excuses to me not coming to yours. You know you can talk to me about anything, I'm all ears" he reassured trying to get the secret out of me. I sighed knowing this was gonna happen now or I might lose Harry. "Fine come on them" I huffed as I got out the car and made my way to the door.

Harry followed behind me as I unlocked the door and stepped in. We both took our shoes and coats off and I nervously walked into the living room. Harry looked around the house, noticing the small sparkly shoes in the hallway, the pushchair leaned against the wall, the toys scattered on the living room floor, the doll house which stood next to the tv, the various frames which displayed pictures of Sophie and I, and the left over sippy cup on the coffee table from a few days ago that I'd forgotten to clean up. I stood nervously in the hallway door while he looked around. He didn't say a word. He turned around to look at me and sighed.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you this Harry, I just I- um it's kind of complicated with her dad and stuff and um I didn't wanna say anything cause I didn't know how you would feel because I've been with people in the past who left cause I had a kid and I didn't know if you'd leave like the rest of them a-and I really like you and I didn't want you to leave me and I- I-" I was rambling again this point and I could feel myself starting to panic a little at what Harry was gonna say. I felt tears form in my eyes and fall down my face. I put my hands over my eyes to cover my tears when I felt two hands on my shoulder.

"Shh shh, it's okay love it's okay" he cooed as he pulled me in for a hug. I took a deep breath as I cuddled into his chest. We stood like this for a few minutes before I rubbed my eyes and Harry moved his hands back to my shoulder. "C'mere darling" he softly spoke as we walked to the sofa and sat down on it. I composed myself a little "I'm sorry" I muttered. "Hey no no don't apologise it's okay" he reassured me. "I want you to know I understand if you want to leave, looking after a kid is a big thing" I said. Harry held my hand in his and kissed them a few times. "You silly girl" he chuckled which caused a confused look to appear on my face. "Y/n, I'm not gonna leave you because you have a kid okay so let's get that out the window" he says as he wipes a few tears from my cheeks. "Y-your not gonna leave ?" You say relieved at his words. "Y/n I'm crazy about you I'm not leaving you anytime soon". He smiles when he notices a small smile creep on my face.  "I just wish you told me lovie, but I understand why you didn't" he spoke, I was so relieved, I was so sure I was about to lose him. "You're apart of my life now and I wanna know everything" . I nod at his words understanding I should have told him sooner. I wish I did it's been horrible keeping it from him. "Look I can't say I'm not shocked and this is a big thing, but I'm willing to be apart of your daughters life if you want me to be, I'm so crazy about you y/n and if being with you also includes a daughter, I guess your stuck with me". This made more tears falls down my face. "Don't cause your making me cry more" I chuckled as I wipe my tears. Harry's arm is around me as he gently rubs my upper arm with his hand. "I wanna just let you know that her dad isn't involved that much, he cheated on me while I was pregnant and I found out when she was 3 months old. He only sees her once a week or once every two weeks depending on his work and his new girlfriend isn't a big fan of the whole situation so she lives with me most of the time" I explained to Harry. "What a dickhead" he curses "how could anyone leave such a beautiful girl like you hmm". I blush and lean into him as his wraps his arms around me. He kisses my temple, then I look up at him and kiss place a soft kiss on his lips. "Thank you for being so understanding and on board with this, you don't understand how much you mean to me Harry and I'd love for you to be apart of my daughters life" I whisper as I kiss him again. "Now what i wanna know is more about her" he smiles. I sit up properly and grab my phone and open up my camera roll to show him some pictures "She's called Sophie and she's 3 years old, she's at my mums house right now because she knew I was with you last night" i say. "Oh baby she looks just like you"

Harry ended up spending a few more hours at my house before he headed home as I had work in an hour. The relief I felt telling Harry about Sophie was a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I guess all I needed to do now was introduce them to each other.
Hey lovelies xx

Soooo ... think this is gonna have another part to it where Harry and Sophie meet for the first time so keep an eye out the the next part 🤍

Em x

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