35. Theres a spider look !

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Summary:there's a spider in the house and you ask Harry to get it for you

Imagine you were cleaning up yours and Harry's bedroom and the attached bathroom. It was Sunday and you typically liked to clean the house that day. You had finished cleaning the bathroom and began working on the bedroom while Harry was tackling downstairs, making it all clean and tidy for the new week.

While you cleaned the bedroom, you moved the washing basket which lived in the corner of the room out the way to clean behind it. Suddenly, you spotted a spider crawl down the basket and begin to walk across the floor and up the bedroom wall. Your eyes widened as you screamed in fear and jumped on the bed. "HARRYYY" you yelled, hearing him run up the stairs in a surprising quick amount of time. "What is it honey at you okay !" His voice sounded panicky after hearing his wife scream. "There's a spider look !" You pointed at it crawling up the wall, now this wasn't just a small spider, it was quite big. "Holy shit" Harry said inspecting the insect on the wall. "Can you please just get it Harry" you said, your voice shaky as you had a fear of spiders. Harry eyes moved around the room and found a glass which he quickly poured the water out of and grabbed a piece of paper. You sat on the bed, watching your husband retrieve the spider, putting a glass over it and sliding the paper underneath. A small yelp left your mouth as he quickly walked over to the window and threw it outside. He shut the window quickly, pulling the handle down to secure it. "There, all gone honey" he said taking a deep breath as he throw the paper in the bin and put the glass down on the chest of draws. "You okay" he asked concerned he took your hand to help you off the bed. "That scared the shit out of me" you replied, taking a relieved breath. Harry chuckled and put his hands on your shoulders "always here to save my wife from spiders" he smiled, kissing your cheek.

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