29.ive got nothing to wear

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Summary:your struggling to find an outfit

Harry's POV:
Y/n and I were going out for lunch today with my mum. It was at one of our regular eating stops in London, so we know the food is always good there. We planned to meet her there at 12:30, and we were leaving just after 12 to have plenty of time to get there. We had both woken up around an hour and a half ago and after lounging in bed for half an hour, we both go up to eat breakfast. After breakfast y/n offered to clear up, so while she did that  I had a quick shower, and y/n went in after me.

It was now 11:20 and I had been downstairs for over half an hour while y/n got ready. I heard lots of noice coming from upstairs so I went up to investigate. I walked into our bedroom to see that almost all of y/n's clothes were scattered around the room and she stood in front of the mirror with a dress on looking extremely stressed. "Y/n what the hell happened in here" I exclaimed, scanning to room to see all the jeans, tops, skirts and dresses in various different places. "I've got nothing to wear Harry !" She replied with an extremely frustrated tone. "Baby you've got loads of clothes, I mean they are all scattered around the room so how do you have nothing". "I've tried on so many outfits and nothing looks good" she pouted rummaging through the remainder of her clothes to try and find something to wear. "What do you mean it doesn't look good honey ?" She turned to look at me and huffed "the first outfit I tried on the top didn't look right with the jeans, then I tried a dress on that looked awful with my legs, I found a pair of jeans I really liked but they are now to small for me, all my skirts look awful and it's to hot to wear a jumper with them and and-" she began to look even more overwhelmed. I walked over to her and rubbed her arms with my hands. "Hey hey baby take a breath okay" I softly said to her as she took a deep breath. "Where's the pink floral dress you love, the one with the lace"."I don't know I think it's in the wash or something so it's probably dirty". "Wait there for a second". I wondered into the hallway and opened the airing cupboard and rummaged through the pile of clothes that needed ironing. I ended up finding the dress in there, all clean, but very creased. I wondered back in holding the dress in which y/n's eyes widened and a smile grew on her face. "It's all clean honey, it's just creased, I'll go iron it for you okay"."are you sure?"."yes of course babe, I'll be five minutes".

I returned five minutes later with a perfectly ironed dress, which I passed to y/n. "Thank you so much baby" she grinned at me and I kissed her lips "that's okay baby, now you get yourself dressed and sorted, and we will clear all this up when we get home because you've only got half an hour to get ready"."shit do I !" The panick returned to her face as she began quickly changing. I wondered back downstairs to wait for her.

It had just gone 12 and I heard y/n walk down the stairs in her dress with a pair of white sandals on. Her hair was curled and she had a little bit of makeup on. "Oh love you looks gorgeous" I say, walking over to her and kissing her lips. She giggled at my compliment "thank you baby, I completely forgot about this dress". "Right let's get going shall we or we are gonna be late, especially is there's traffic". And with that we both headed out the door and into the car.

Only proof read once so apologies for any mistakes !x

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