17. You did not just do that

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Summary: yours and Harry's attempt at baking

The sound of rain hit the windows of yours and Harry's house, and the sound of thunder rumbled every few minutes. "This weather is actually horrible" Harry exclaimed standing in front of the patio doors, admiring this so called storm you were experiencing. "We've not had nice weather for weeks Harry, it's been horrible for what feels like forever" you add as you stand next to him. His arms wrap around you as he pulls you in for a hug. "What do you wanna do then baby" Harry asks, hoping for you to think of something fun to do. "Well I thought maybe we could bake something, we haven't in a long time" you suggest looking up at Harry, you chin resting against his chest. "You know what that's a really good idea" he smiles at you and kisses your forehead "how about we make brownies, I saw a recipe on Pinterest the other day that looks really good" Harry's grip loosens from your back as you both walk to the kitchen "let's hope we have all the ingredients then". With your luck you would have everything you needed "I'm going to go change out this white hoodie really quick babe so it doesn't get messy I'll be back I sec" Harry says leaving the kitchen. When he returns he finds you stood on the counter, trying to get onto the top shelf of the cupboard for the flour "y/n what the hell are you doing" Harry exclaimed, rushing over to you, putting his hands on your waist. "I'm getting the flour down its right back here" you grab the flour and turn around slowly on the counter, Harry's hands not leaving your side. "You could seriously hurt yourself, right down we get" he lifts you down, you giggle as you're placed onto the floor. "We've got everything for the brownies so let's get started".

As you shake the flour into the bowl on the scales, you get it all onto the kitchen side, your mouth opening in shock as it falls onto the now not so clean counter. "Darling oh my god" Harry laughs, taking over. After all the dry ingredients were sieved into the bowl, you added the wet ingredients. "Right I'm gonna plug in the mixer". You were using your hand held mixer Harry's mum had bought you one year for Christmas. You lowered it into the bowl but not deep enough so when you turned it on, mixture splattered all round the kitchen. It sent you and Harry into hysterics and you lowered it back down into the bowl to mix it properly. Harry was practically on the floor, laughing his head off at his clumsy girlfriend. "Woops" you laugh with him. Once it's mixed you pour it into the tray and into the oven. You both turn around to observe the kitchen side, looking like a bomb had hit it. As you cleared up, Harry picked up some of the flour you spilled and smeared it onto your face without you realising. Your eyes widened and you turned to look at him "you did not just do that" you pick up some floor yourself and begin chasing Harry around the kitchen before managing to smother it on his cheek. This went on for a few minutes as you both got progressively more covered in flour. Harry wrapped an arm around you from behind and smothered the floor onto your nose, making your knees buckle and you fall to the floor in hysterics. Harry fell with you and as you both laughed till you couldn't breathe.

After you finally managed to clean the kitchen, the brownies were finished in which you took them out, let them cool, and then cut them up into squares. Harry got two plates out of the cupboard for you both as you picked a brownie to eat. "Cheers" you say as you both take a bite. "Mmmmm" you both say in unison. "This is so good oh my god" you exclaim with a mouth full of brownie. "Well done baby this is so good" he adds "good team effort baby, was worth the mess we had to clean up"
Not sure how I feel about this part but I hope you enjoyed x

Tysm for 1k reads on this book I rlly appreciate it!🤍

Pls request any ideas you may have for imagines that you'd like me to write x

Em x

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