18. Suck it up Y/N

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Summary: you go out with Harry, but you hear something you didn't want to hear

I was standing infront of the mirror, admiring the dress I was wearing. It was a satin maxi dress which Id picked out a few weeks ago for this event I was going to. Harry and I had been invited to the event and then the sit down meal afterwards. I was feeling rather anxious about going, but didn't want to let Harry down as he had been very exited about it. I looked at the dress and how it hugged my curves. I'd never been the most secure person when it came to my body. I'd struggled for years with my opinion on how I looked. I took a deep breathe "suck it up Y/N your fine" I whispered to myself as I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Harry turns around and his eyes widen "oh darling you look gorgeous" he beams as I reach him and his hands meet my waist, kissing my lips. "You really think so" I took a step back and look down at myself "I'm sure of it darling, you look so beautiful" he kissed me again before we both headed out the door and into the car.

When we arrive at the event, I could already see the flashing of cameras and screaming of fans, just waiting for all the celebs to arrive. As the door opened, the screams become louder as they see Harry step out the car and we make our way up the carpet for photos. Harry's hand doesn't leave my waist as the clicking of photos filled my ears.

Later on, we were walking to the sit down meal. I felt eyes on me as soon as I walked in, the feeling of people judging me, as Harry began talking to familiar faces. I wasn't great in social situations like this, but I didn't want to let Harry down. "Just suck it up Y/N" is the only words going through my mind. I didn't really know many people so tried to stick with Harry the entire time. I noticed two girls staring at me and giggling to themselves, causing a wave of negative thoughts to flood my mind. "Why are they looking at me" "do I look weird" "are they laughing at how I look". Suddenly I was snapped out of my gaze. "Baby are you okay" Harry asks concerned "yeah I'm okay" I smiled at him before sitting down to eat.

I didn't really say much while we all ate, as Harry was talking to people at the table who Id never seen before. After Id eaten, I felt my chest tighten even more, it felt like something heavy was in my lungs. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick excuse me" I say politely as I leave the table. When I make it into the stall, I take a deep breath. While I was trying to calm myself down, I heard two girls come into the bathroom. While they are washing their hands, I heard them say something which made me feel like I'd been punched in the stomach.

"Did you see Harry's girlfriend"

"Ugh I know, how is he with someone like her he could do way better"

"All the women he's dated are like models, Y/N does not fit that picture"


Wow. Felt like a knife to the chest hearing those words leave those girls mouths. I felt my  eyes well with tears as I covered my mouth to stop the sob that was about to burst from my mouth. Once they left, the sob won, it escaped from my mouth and echoed the bathroom. Maybe they were right. Fuck. I need to leave here I can't be here anymore. I made my way out the stall and wiped my tears, looking at myself in the mirror and putting on a smile before leave the bathroom. Harry spotted me leaving, but instead of heading back to him, I made my way to the exit. I needed fresh air. I needed to get out of here. I took deep breaths and paced up and down the pavement.

Harry's POV:
Y/N had been very quiet tonight, I know she doesn't know many people here but she'd be quieter than usual. Usually she's able to make conversation, and can be quite chatty once she's comfortable. I spotted her walk out the bathroom and smiled expecting her to come back to her seat, but my smile dropped as I saw her looking very overwhelmed and rushing towards the exit. "Guys I'm so sorry I'll be back in a second" I say to the guys I was speaking to at the table before rushing out to find Y/N. When I walked outside I saw her pacing up and down the street.

"Y/N hey where are you going" Harry is walking towards me. "I just needed fresh air Harry". I didn't dare look at him, my cheeks stained with tears. "Baby have you been crying" his hand met my shoulder. "I'm fine Harry". His eyebrows furrowed "darling what's going on, you just ran out the bathroom"

"Harry I'm fine !" I say in a slightly harsher tone, causing Harry to take a step back. "Don't yell at me Y/N !" He says back, also with a slightly raised tone. I sniffed and took another deep breath "I wanna go home Harry" my voice now more quieter. Harry's expression showed he was a little pissed off me with me, I wasn't surprised to be honest. He didn't say another word and walked back into the restaurant before returning a few minutes later with our coats and my bag.

The car journey home was nothing but silence. I sat staring out the window, trying not to let anymore tears fall down my cheeks. When we arrived home I went straight upstairs to have a shower. I stripped out of my dress and walked into the hot steamy shower. I let more tears spill from my eyes and allowed myself to have the proper cry I'd been needing. 

Harry's POV:
Y/N practically sprinted up the stairs when we got home, not giving me a chance to try and see what was going on. When I reached our bedroom, the shower was already on and the door was shut. I decided to leave her be, I didn't want to crowd her, I knew something was wrong and she needed some time before talking about it. It's how she's always been. I began getting out my suit when I heard muffled sobs coming from the bathroom. My heart ached as I heard them, she was hurting and I wasn't with her.

When I finished showering, I got myself dried and into my hoodie and shorts that I'd grabbed before I came in here. I took my hair out the messy bun I'd put it in, as I didn't wash my hair because I'd washed it earlier this afternoon for the event. I brushed it through, picked up my dress, and took a deep breath before unlocking the door and heading into the bedroom. I knew I'd have to tell Harry. He was sat nervously on the edge of the bed, his head shooting up as he heard the door open. I put my dress away and I could feel his eyes follow me around the room. Once I finished I stared at the wall before composing myself.

"Baby please talk to me" Harry said softly, just desperate to be let in. "You know you can tell me anything". Here came the water works again. "Um, well I um" I was struggling to find my words. I turned around to look at Harry. His eyes filled with worry. "I was feeling really anxious about going tonight and um...I went to the bathroom earlier and these girls came in and they um" a sob left my mouth again. "They said you could do better because I don't look like any of the models you've dated". Harry shot up opened is arms in which I walked straight into them cried. "Oh baby" he whispered, holding me tightly. "They made me feel really shit about myself" he kissed my forehead and moved me to sit down on the bed, as he knelt infront of me.

"Baby listen to me okay" I looked into his eyes "you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on, those girls don't know what they are talking about" I bit my lip at his words "Harry I wanna believe you but...they have got into my head, you've dated literal models"

"They are nothing compared to you my love, I love everything about you" he kissed my hand "I love your hair, your eyes, that gorgeous smile" he began kissing my cheeks, my arms and began caressing my thighs. "I love your entire body baby, I love your curves, your thighs, they are perfect, I love your laugh, your kind heart, the way you always believe in me, your big hugs, the way you always walk around with your hands in you hoodie sleeves, the way you always fiddle with your jewellery when your anxious, whenever we are in public you cling onto my arm, the way you look down and giggle when I compliment you, the way you run to greet me when I come home, the way you always get exited and take pictures of the sunset, the way your at every single one of my shows supporting me, the way you always steal my clothes, the amazing relationship you've formed with my family" I'm crying even harder at this point and fall into Harry's arms. "I love you with my whole heart Y/N" he's even got tears in his eyes. "You don't listen to those girls okay" I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle into his neck as he holds me.

"I love you so much Harry"

"I love you more beautiful"

I saw a similar idea to this somewhere on here but I cannot find them so credits to whoever made a chapter with a similar scenario to this ! x

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