46. To slow Mr Styles

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Imagine it was date night and you and Harry had gone out for dinner. The two of you dedicated Saturday nights to date nights in which this particular night you had both settled for your favourite Italian restaurant in London. You had a lovely meal, treated yourselves to a bottle of wine, pizzas, and a pudding to finish the evening off. "Shall we settle up" Harry suggests as you both finish off the last drops of your wine and notice the restaurant is beginning to empty as it's getting late. "Mhm I'm all ready to go" you reply as you reach for your bag and coat hung on the back of your chair. Harry asks for the check as you both begin to get ready to head off. The waitress brings over the bill in which you briefly look over it before she returns with the card machine. Harry goes to reach into his coat pocket for his wallet, but you quickly beat him, inserting your card and putting in the pin before handing the waitress a tip and thanking her. As she walks away looks Harry over at you, his eyes showing annoyance at you paying for the meal. "to slow Mr Styles" you smirk as you place your wallet back into your bag. "Darling you didn't have to pay for dinner" he said as he sits back in his chair with his arms crossed. "Honey you pay most of the time, it's on me tonight" you say. "It was an expensive meal babe" he replies. "Look quit complaining it's done now, I think I'm allowed to treat my husband to an expensive dinner once in a while am I not" you smirk at Harry who leans forward, placing his arms on the table "Mrs Styles. what am I gonna do with you" he mutters. "Well...maybe we can take this lovely evening home" you whisper back to him as you get up from your chair. Harry follows after you and you both head out the restaurant and back to your house.

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