49.face riding

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You and Harry were stood in your bedroom, lips locked as your hands were all over each other. Harry had only gotten home 5 minutes ago, but you were needy. You were in the mood for a long night of sex to the point you couldn't walk. The two of you always took your time, starting with a bit of fingering, maybe a blow job before getting to the proper sex.

"What do you want baby" harry whispers as he pulled away from my lips. "You, just all of you" you whispered back. Harry kept eye contact with you as he got onto his knees. He pulled down your pj shorts to be met with your laced underwear. "Fuckkk you're already wet" Harry moaned as he looked up at you and smirked. He pulled down your underwear so you were completely naked from the waist down. He went to stand up again but you pushed him down "kiss me" you mumbled as he began placing kisses up your thighs and soon was kissing and sucking on your clit. You whimpered at the feeling of his lips and tongue around your pussy. He burrowed his head deeper as you hunched over slightly at the pleasurable feeling. Your hands gripping onto Harry's shoulders as you began thrusting your hips slightly so you were riding Harry's face. "You taste so good baby" Harry groaned as he continued. You felt your orgasm get closer and closer. "Fuckkk Harry im close" you moaned as your nails began digging into Harry's shoulder. "Cum on my face baby" Harry moaned. It was only a few seconds later where the orgasm ripped through your body and the moans escaping from your mouth became louder. Harry looked up at you as you were breathing heavily and still slightly hunched over at the pleasurable feeling still present. Harry stood up and wiped his mouth "such a good girl" he groaned as he kissed your lips again. "You alright darling" he asked as your eyes met his, he looked at your with your rosy cheeks and dazy eyes as you came down from your high. "Yeah I'm okay" you whispered back to him. You suddenly kiss Harry lips "it's your turn next" you mumbled through the kisses before you get down onto your knees to return the favour to Harry.

I wrote this quite quickly and only proof read once so apologies for any mistakes x

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